Dining Out Magazine

3-D Printed Hamburgers: Evidence That the Research Team Works Through Lunch a Lot.

By Keewood @sellingeating

The day may come when it’s not weird to think of a restaurant printing out a burger and fries on its 3-D printer.

An article in Dezeen Magazine (passed along by friend-of-the-blog Lindsay) makes the promise—but then sort of dodges it. It’s kind of funny because the interviewer is really interested in the concept, but the designer just keeps saying there’s nobody backing it so there’s no way to know when it will be a reality.

Still, it’s pretty fascinating to contemplate.

More interesting than this video I found where basically they take a 3-D printer and convert it into a cake decorator:

Burgers are a lot more interesting. Look for the brand marriage of Kinko’s and McDonald’s one of these days along an interstate or strip mall near your subdivision.

Once the 3-D printer can make two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, onion, pickles and a sesame seed bun, it’s just a matter of time till these are on every corner. I typed that 1970s McDonald’s ad copy from memory, incidentally. I should probably be horrified or at least embarrassed.

Once the 3-D printer can manufacture two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion and a sesame seed bun, it’s just a matter of time till these are on every corner. I typed that 1970s McDonald’s ad copy from memory, incidentally. I should probably be horrified. Or at least embarrassed.

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