Food & Drink Magazine


By Cathysjoy
芝麻龜粿我妈不喜欢带有头和手脚的龜粿,所以我家的龜粿都只剩个龟壳!你有发现到有一个龜粿竟然露出一个龜头吗? 哈哈。。。是我做的啦!
Sesame Ku Kueh 芝麻龜粿  
(recipe makes 24 small Ku Kueh & 6 big kueh)
400g glutinous rice flour
80g black sesame powder

200g sweet potato (steamed & mashed)

Homemade mung bean paste    
1. Mix all the dough ingredients together & knead to form a soft dough (Adjust water accordingly until the dough is no longer sticky to hands & mixing bowl)
2. Weigh 30g of dough for skin & wrap 20g of filling into the dough & seal opening.
3. Place the kueh into mold (dusted with glutinous rice flour) & press it to set the shape.
4. Knock out the kueh & place it on a piece of banana leaf.
5. Steam for 5mins & brush some cooking oil on the surface of the kuehs.

芝麻龜粿我们分工合作。我秤粿皮/内馅/包龜粿,我妈包/印龜粿,我爸负责把龜粿放上香蕉叶然后拿去蒸。以上这六个‘大龜粿的诞生’纯粹是因为我妈做到累了,突然说‘龜粿太小了,要包到几时啊?’ 然后就叫我爸拿出饭粿的模,说这样可以快一点用完粿皮 =p

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