It’s my birthday!
I always thought that I would feel older as I got closer to thirty, but it still surprises me when I realize that I’m only two years from the big 3-0. I’m not one to worry about age; I look forward to having years and years behind me, to holding hands with my husband when we have fifty years behind us, to having gray hair (if I ever get over this pink hair, that is) and wrinkles and just… living life. Of course I hope to look younger than my years as long as I can, but I’m not afraid of getting older.
Age, I think, is what you make of it, and while in some ways I feel more mature — two kids! what! — I mostly feel 21 at heart. I started this blog when I was almost 21, which seems insane. Nearly eight years of blogging behind me? Not all of it is up any longer, thanks to transferring posts and losing a few, but still. Eight years feels like a really long time to me.
Eight years ago I wasn’t even thinking about fashion blogging; this was a space solely for thoughts, and I didn’t think I was skinny enough or stylish enough to post pictures of my outfits online. Today, I know that style doesn’t depend on body type or weight; I’m at my heaviest, yet feel most confident. Sure, I am working to be healthier and lose a few pounds, but I have figured out how to dress my body in a way that makes me feel great, and I don’t rely on looking thinner to make me feel good.
I have read and heard that many women hit their stride in their thirties, and I feel like that may be true; I feel like I’m just beginning to hit my stride as I move closer to that age. I hope at thirty I will be healthier, stronger, and better all around, but only time can tell!
Today I started a challenge for myself to walk 10k steps a day for thirty days as a way to jump-start myself into a healthy new year. I prefer making resolutions or goals on birthdays rather than at the start of a new year; it’s my own personal new age to be the best I can be, and I like celebrating being a year older by working towards being a better self.
I am hoping I can hit that goal; I took a 3.5 mile walk (8k steps) today, and now have a blister on one foot from who knows what. I’m going to press on and hope band-aids help, but if you guys have any suggestions they’d be appreciated. And, you can follow my walks on Snapchat (@eccentricowl), join me on instagram (@eccentricowlblog) or just, you know, stalk me.
Dress, New Old Fashion Vintage | headscarf, shoes, and belt, thrifted
And while we’re talking about social media, go like my Facebook page! I would really love to hit or break the 500 mark soon! (Birthday wish?) I am sharing a few throwback photos of me there today, so, you know.
I hope you are all having a fantastic week!
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