3rd March. The Spanish authorities gave their blessing to this bizarre high risk episode a day or two ago when a fire fighting Canadair amphibian dropped in over the rooftops at San Sebastian and landed in La Concha to pick up water for fire fighting purposes:
I believe many of us have dreams that mostly stay on the back burner - there's no harm in that. For many years, mine was to sell up in the UK and move down to the Pay Basque where we could enjoy on a daily basis what we'd previously only known for 2 weeks every year. Realising the dream was every bit as enjoyable as I'd hoped.
However, that's not the end of it.. I have another dream - and this one has been simmering away on the back burner too.. I don't see that I'll ever be able to live this particular dream though.. and that is to own a sixties Porsche 912.. like the one (below). I don't think there's ever been a better body shape than this - clean, sober, functional, no wings or stripes, no "attitude" - just a beautifully balanced and timeless shape. It would be perfect for exploring the lanes that criss cross the back country of the Pays Basque and the mountain passes of the Pyrenees. (all donations gratefully accepted!☺)