25 (Really) Creative Business Cards
0Business card – it’s more than just your phone number and e-mail address thrown on a piece of paper. Creative business cards will help you stand out from the crowd and be more memorable. You would be surprised how effective a well-designed business card can be.
No matter in which business you are in, advertising it, in every way possible,is crucial for the long run success. A creative and unique business card could be the one tool you did not think of. But don’t beat yourself up about it, you are not the only one. In today’s digitized world business cars are often overlooked, which makes boring business meetings even more boring.
But you guys would not be here if you were boring, right? I thought so. That is why we looked for the most creative business cards we could find on the internet and here is what we came up with.
Divorce Lawyer

Source: Pinterest
Advertise Your URL – Offline

Source: Digital Inspiration
Personal Trainer

Source: Pinterest
Impact (Hair) Salon

Source: CreativeSuitcase

Source: Pinterest
Karate Coach

Source: volyn-post
Edible Business Card – Bombay Bakery

Source: cardobserver
Hacker Business Card

Source: BurgerGrease
Audiovisual Studio

Source: GraficFetish
Art Gallery

Source: Pinterest
Broke Bike Alley

Source: rethinkcanada
Pastry Chef

Source: JukeBoxPrint
Creative Dentist Business Card

Source: Pinterest

Source: cronoco
“Get Stretchy”- Yoga Classes

Source: Pinterest
MR Lube – Change Your Oil

Source: rethinkcanada
Sports Center

Source: Creattica
Personal Trainer

Source: kid_z

Source: Creattica
Lawyer- But Not Divorce Lawyer This Time

Source: Cardonizer
Bentply- London Based Shop, Specialized in Vintage Furniture

Source: makesimpledesigns
Caliper Shaped Business Card

Source: Designinstruct

Source: Creattica
Black Napkin – Culinary Correspondent

Source: Stocklogos
Skateboard Shop

Source: JukeBoxPrint
Ninja Business Card- Why not?

Source: Pinterest