Hello new faces! Come and learn random things about me ^___~
- My name is Win-Yee, more commonly referred to as Michelle. I am actually not called Daisy.
- I’m a Year of the Sheep girl which makes me 24 this Lunar year!
- Behind the blog and online persona, I have the worst luck and the uncanny ability to attract ridiculous situations.
- I feel most content when I’m by water. I would like to attribute this to being a Pisces, but…
- I can’t swim!
- Can’t really ride a bike either.
- I was born in Hertfordshire, England.
- I used to be very, very, very shy when I was younger (until age 19?) because I grew up with Cantonese as my first language – and learnt English properly aged 4 - and was very insecure about speaking in front of people.
- I lived in England for 23 years. (Why won’t anyone believe me?!)
- Having said that, I had a pretty traditional Chinese upbringing a.k.a. I probably see a lot of things slightly differently from most British gals.
- I met my last boyfriend on Tinder – surprise!
- I have two pet Russian tortoises and you can meet them here.
- Every Taylor Swift song with date or time references directly corresponds to my own life experiences. Sad but true.
- Half of my family are from Malaysia!
- I wanted to be a wedding dress designer from the teeniest age until I turned 14.
- I have a First Class Honours degree in fashion and culture journalism that I often forget about ;)
- I fell out of a patio door (don’t ask) at my 4th birthday party and have a huge faded Harry Potter on the right side of my forehead.
- My chat-up line of choice is: ‘Name 5 fun facts about yourself’. It doesn’t get me far…
- I wear glasses for sight and have done since I was 15. I’m not a f**king hipster, as lots of Facebook users decided on a brand campaign I once did. Just blind thanks.
- Sherin, Natasha and Sarah have seen me in my smalls and if that doesn’t make you want to be brave and go to a blogger event, I don’t know what will, hahaha!
- I’ve been an obsessive Taylor Swift fan since she vlogged, her concert tickets were £14 and the arena was for 1,500 people. So don’t try and patronise or challenge me ^_~ also DB fact: nearly all 5 years’ worth of my outfit post titles are taken from her lyrics.
- I can drive!
- I frequently worry who my bridal party will be at my wedding because I don’t have many friends or a group of close girlfriends, only separate ones. #NotEngaged #ActuallySingle
- I went to stage school until I was 17.
- My Dad once got me to save my pocket money, help out with small chores and eat my greens in exchange for a toy spelling laptop and Pokemon book.