Books Magazine

24 Years

By Jazmin-Jade


Heres to my 24th twirl around the sun, and with that I bring you another evil bunny post to mark the day! He just gets more and more aggressive each year. Silly bunny.

In the past year I have completed my course and gotten another job after my old one fell through, but I right now I don’t feel like I have accomplished much. Starting from scratch at a new job that isn’t on the path goal to the one I really want makes me feel… icky. The work environment is not ideal either, but I hope that it gets better with time and becomes less stressful. But as of the 9th I will be starting to officially volunteer at the wildlife sanctuary that helped run my course and this will help keep my name in for job opportunities. Even if the thought of getting up at 6am to go to work there hurts me on many levels haha.

After finishing work today (writing this post ahead of time) my boyfriend is taking me out to dinner and then we have tickets to see Suicide Squad because it came out today. SO EXCITED. This movie better be as amazing as I want it to be. I was tossing up between it and the Absolutely Fabulous movie, but since I know he will not get as much enjoy from that as me so my mother and I are going to see it in gold class after I am done with the sanctuary for the day. So many good movies <3

But birthdays mean hauls and I know thats what everyone really wants ;) I don’t think I am going to be getting many books for this particular birthday, but depending on the kind of things I get I may do a birthday haul anyway. I will be doing two book hauls however for the time period that I have been away, one for books I have bought and one for books that have been sent to me by publishers. Until then however, I think thats about all I should say for this blog. I hope you guys all have a wonderful day!

Till Next Time…

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