Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

21 July 2024: Guru Poornima

By Luphil

Next Sunday, there is the second full moon of Cancer. This full moon is celebrated as the full moon of the teacher (Guru Poornima) and it is dedicated to the great Master of Wisdom Vedavyasa. Vedavyasa is the teacher who arranged the Vedic wisdom into 18 Puranas, and he gave the great epic poem Mahabharata with the Bhagavad Geeta as well as the Bhagavatam.
It is said that he has ascended to higher planes but gives his presence at this full moon.
Here you can find the “Invocation of the Hierarchy of Teachers“
Master KPK used to give Guru Poornima messages – here is a collection of these messages given by the Master from 2007 – 2022 at Bhagyanagaram / Hyderabad.
This is the Guru Poornima Message 2011:

Your Teacher is in you. This is the truth.

You will find your Teacher depending upon the degree of sincerity with which you aspire to follow the Light, to follow the Truth.

As far as possible, apply whatever little knowledge that you already hold, in your daily life.

Be truthful to yourself. Be sincere in what you do. Be intent-full. Be playful in your pleasure time.

Do not submit yourself to too many rules and regulations. Your sincere aspiration leads you to a guide, a teacher in the outer world. If he is a true Teacher, he leads you to the Teacher in you, who awaits you in your heart. He shows you the way to find your Teacher in your heart.

He may let you initially to depend upon him, but he would not let you to be his dependent for all times to come.

A true teacher leads the true aspirant to the One Teacher who is in the heart of one’s own being. He gives the technique and also gives certain tips to establish contact with the Teacher in you. The purpose of a true teacher is to lead you to the Teacher in you, who leads you further to the Truth in you.

You will realize in due course that, verily the Truth, the Teacher and you are but one and the same. Be sincere in your approach and wait with patience.

Picture: Statue of Vedavyasa created by the Ukrainian artist Alexey Leonov.

21 July 2024: Guru Poornima

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