Lifestyle Magazine

2023 Shopee Top Affiliates

By Chaayen
I guess we are starting the new year on a pretty sweet note because we have been told that we are one of Shopee's top affiliate. We only joined them in the last quarter, so it was quite a surprising news. It is always great to infer from our accolades that our readers trust our recommendations (I like to think we have decent standards) and we just want to say we hope those products (which we also use ourselves by the way) bring convenience or joy to your life. I know I like sharing my novelty buys as well. :)
2023 Shopee Top Affiliates
In the new year, I will be a lot more time-strapped. I need to focus on the children's development and I also want to work on the maintenance of the house. The number of posts will reduce to once a week but I don't intend to cut edges in terms of quality. 
I will still be conducting sound research on the reviews which I choose to undertake and the reviews may tend to gear to my family's interest...because my bandwidth is shorter now :'( Nonetheless, I still want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for reading through the milestones and growing together with me. <3
**If you want to join as an affiliate, you can click on this link (or use the referral code - 8PZ5CJH) and you can get $5. 

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