Image by Leo Reynolds
by Creative Commons
Today marks the last day of 2022.
I am looking back over the posts published on this aging blog over the last year and seeing that I have not been sharing a lot of my insights on aging. I only completed nine posts--counting this one. Consequently, compiling a list of Top 10 posts is a little disingenuous.
(Link for posts written in 2022)
I am still teaching gerontology classes as an adjunct at both the University of Evansville and at the University of Southern Indiana (USI).
In previous years, I frequently wrote posts about films that I have viewed and books that I have read on topics related to aging. In 2022, I only read one book about aging. Lately, I have been spending more time at the gym and less time reading and watching films.
I also helped a friend by serving as a judge of nonfiction books for three categories: elementary, middle grade, and high school readers. Here is my Goodreads 2022 Challenge, which shows the 84 children's books that I read (in addition to another 20 books, with a total of 104 titles read this year).
I also traveled a lot this year with trips to the following places:
- Harlaxton Manor in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
- Edam, Netherlands (which is just a bit north of Amsterdam)
- Burlington, Vermont
- Seattle, Washington
- Houston, Texas
Also, I am experiencing some eye fatigue after teaching online during the day, so I tend to listen to podcasts in the evening instead of reading or watching films or television. I could work harder to find podcasts on topics related to aging so that I can write reviews and make recommendations.
I am hoping that 2022 brought you all some great opportunities.
2020 Top Posts
2019 Top Posts