I've had a bad December, a number of minor illnesses in the family unit, Christmas holidays and quite a bit of overtime, have kind of stifled my outdoors activities through the month, regular readers may have noticed as I only managed one post and no patch walks!! (or other walks for that matter). But with 2016 coming to a close I thought I would take the opportunity to post on some of the challenges and goals I have set for the year ahead 2017.
2017 The Year Ahead
Older readers may have noticed that I no longer post just about my wonderful patch walks, although these still make up the majority of posts Geocaching has become a popular hobby as have longer walks and in 2017 hopefully camping. I decided to branch out a little as, well to be frank you can only post about the same place so many times without things starting to get stale, I hope those of you who have read the different posts have enjoyed them in some way, even if they are not always nature related. They will be continuing from here on.
2017 Challenges
I've been thinking about challenges for myself for a while now, I'd love to say I was going to be running marathons or tough mudders but sadly the back just isn't up to impact activities so instead I plan on focusing on walking more.
I have just signed up for #walk1000miles the aim being to walk a thousand miles in the course of 2017, and both Zoe and bubs have agreed to join me (I'm sure the little lady will manage even with 7 year olds' legs, she has more energy then the Duracell bunny), however as I managed over 2300 miles in 2016 I have set myself the challenge of walking 2500 miles in 2017. Now considering the average Brit walks under 200 miles a year (for transport) that seems a pretty impressive distance.
2017 The Year Ahead - My #Walk1000Miles Pledge

Bub's #Walk1000miles pledge

Zoe's #Walk1000miles pledge
On the same theme I want to achieve a few other walking related goals this year, firstly I have never walked up a mountain, I've been up by car or cable car but never walked the full way and that is something I hope to achieve this year, which leads me on to another goal to walk up mount Snowdon. I could have gone with friends a few years ago (damn more like over 7 years ago!) but opted out, and I actually regret it.
Related but also totally separate I would quite like to attempt the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge 24 miles in 12 hours with 5200ft of ascent, seems like a pretty good workout and ought to provide some stunning views, and more importantly photo opportunities!
I'm segueing like a demon here, one challenge leading to another with grace!
Photographic Challenges
I have more photography challenges ahead as well, I'd love to see huge improvements in my landscape photography, it has come on quite well through 2016 (I think) but there is still huge room for improvement, and that is one of my goals in 2017.
This year my proudest photographic moment was seeing my daughters photo gracing September of the 2017 Parks Trust calendar, it's a pretty good achievement for a 7 year old, and totally trumps anything I have done. I'd love to join her or even win a competition in 2017.

September in the Parks Trust Calendar - published with permission from Bo Crombet-Beolens (7)
Patch Work Challenge
2016 saw me take part in my first patchwork challenge, and I plan on going again in 2017, can I beat this years total of 117 species and 130 points, I'd also love to finally manage to find one of the really good patch birds (Black-winged Stilt, Great White Egret etc.) rather than just see what others have found, or at least not miss them (Little Tern, Knot etc.).
So no need to worry I will be out birding the patch as hard as ever, and filling these pages with my photos and writings.
Well, that's the lot for 2016 I hope you all have a great New Years eve and see you in 2017 bright eyed and bushy tailed (the joys of being a non drinker).
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posted on 27 May at 14:03
Hi Ashely,
Did you ever complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge? If not, you might find my guide useful: https://www.thinkadventure.co.uk/yorkshire-three-peaks-challenge/ it contains everything you need to complete the challenge on your own.
Good luck!