Lifestyle Magazine

2017 Goals

By Cait @caitscozycorner
2017 GoalsI haven't been one to really make New Years resolution. In fact, this past year I chatted with you all about how I wouldn't be doing a resolution for this year but something else! While I loved this personal challenge for myself, I do love making lists and crossing them off so I thought I'd set up a few goals and chat with you all about them this morning! Here are some goals I have in mind for the upcoming new year.
1. Read 20 books 
2. Spend quality time with both my newborn and toddler/ equally and apart( read this article for attempting balance with it all )
3. Lose baby weight at a pace 
4. Exercise more 
5. Go on more date nights with my husband 
6. Get a few house projects finished
7. Become more patient and let things go 

Since I'm pregnant this New Years, our weekend plans are pretty low key. We're taking down all our Christmas items ( Zach is always so sad when we have to put everything in boxes for another year ) and then having a few friends over to play cards and relax. We also have a big surprise for Lily as we're creating her very own 'big girl' room so we have a lot of painting and decorating on our hands to get accomplished in the next few weekends! I can't wait to show you guys once it's completed!
What are some of your goals this year?
Share your plans for New Years! 
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