Lifestyle Magazine

2015 Resolutions & Word of the Year

By Secondchancesgirl
I've been back and forth on whether to do resolutions or a word of the year for a couple weeks now. I like making resolutions. Sure I don't always get to all of them but I like having a list to look at throughout the year of stuff I want to do. I've never had a word of the year and have seen posts all over the blog o'sphere for them so I wanted to try that out too. Since it has been so hard for me to pick, I decided to do both!! I'm going to share them with you here on the blog for two reasons: 1)they are written down so it helps me remember and 2) so you can hold me accountable if you see me straying a bit.
2015 Resolutions & Word of the Year
1. Get in shape. I need to lose about 15 minutes and gain some muscle. These back rolls and flabby arms just aren't attractive! I also will be tracking this on my blog on a monthly feature so look for the first one soon!
2. Grow my blog. I will be dedicating more time to my blog, more posting, responding to comments, reading other's posts and commenting.
3. Travel for my blog. I want to go to a conference outside of Miami and meet bloggy friends in person!
4. Be a more understanding parent. This is a hard one. My son is currently in a tough phase where he thinks he is an adult and I can lose my temper quickly with him. I want to be more understanding with him and let him be a kid!
5. Go on 2 family vacations!I already paid off the Disney Cruise in May and I want to start planning a ski vacation for end of the year! Oh and maybe a stop in Disney in the summer! 
6. Help othersI started with a complete purge of items and clothing on Dec 31st but I really want to focus on helping others. We have way too much when others have none. I also want to get my kids more involved in volunteering now that they are older!2015 Resolutions & Word of the YearMy word for 2015 is BELIEVE!! 
I will believe in myself and all that I am capable of. I will believe that I am a good parent. I believe in the importance of helping others and vow to do more of it this year! I believe that this will be my best year yet!
So now that I shared mine, tell me did you make any resolutions or pick a word of the year?

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