Books Magazine

2014 Nationals - Tuesday Events

By Jcomeaux @LadyWave4
2014 Nationals - Tuesday Events
Started off this morning by braving the -6 wind chill to visit my favorite historic skating rink. The senior pairs were on the ice for practice, and I was able to see most of the first two groups before I had to leave for the juvenile pairs free skate. There were a few no-shows at practice, but the first group featured three podium contenders - Marissa Castelli/Simon Shnapir, Caydee Denney/John Coughlin, and Tarah Kayne/Danny O'Shea. Marissa and Simon did a 75% run-through of their FS and looked very strong on the lifts and the SBS triple Sals. They took command of the ice. After the run-through, they practiced the throw quad Salchow, and were a hair away from landing it cleanly each time. 
2014 Nationals - Tuesday Events
Tarah and Danny did a full run-through of their FS, and I continue to be so impressed with how much they keep growing as a team. Their speed has increased and I love their elegance. Everything they do has a beautiful flair to it. Caydee and John also had a good run-through of their FS. Their SBS jumps were on point as always. In the second group, Gretchen Donlan/Andrew Speroff did a beautiful run-through of their FS without the jumps.
Next I traveled over to the BCEC for the juvenile pairs free skate. Overall I thought it was a really good competition with a lot of teams skating their best. I spied some of the juvenile skaters' senior pairs buddies in the crowd cheering them on, which was great to see!
2014 Nationals - Tuesday Events
The final event of my day was the junior short dance. I think the future of US dance is in good hands with this group! My favorite up-and-coming team is Chloe Lewis and Logan Bye. I love the style and grace they have for being such a young age!
2014 Nationals - Tuesday Events
Here are all the photos from Tuesday's events!

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