Politics Magazine
Congressional Republicans, in their effort to cover for their corporate buddies, would like for you to believe that global warming is a hoax and that the Earth has actually been cooling in the last few years. That is an outrageous lie, and easily exposed by looking at the latest numbers on global warming.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center has just released their figures for the fist 10 months of 2014. Note that the rise in Oceanic and Overall (land + ocean) temperature has set a new record -- at 1.03F and 1.22F respectively. That means 2014 is on schedule to be the hottest year ever recorded (and even though there was a cold front in November, the overall temperatures for November just added to the Jan. thru Oct. unseasonable warm temps).
Global warming is real. And it has not stopped or slowed, but is increasing at a faster rate. And it is caused by human activity. Those are facts. The only question at this point is whether there is still time to stop (or at least mitigate) the effects of this warming -- or whether we have already passed the point at which our grandchildren will inherit a planet in far worse shape than the one we inherited.