Lifestyle Magazine

2013: Week 33

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
2013: Week 33interview | cute post | Newton Faulknercupcake for a birthday in the office | mess | me three years agopug onesie! | final ever 90210 | cinema dateHi! I had a job interview early last week, kept my fingers crossed and sadly didn't hear anything back. Yesterday was the deadline for when they would have called by so you can imagine I'm really disappointed but I guess I can't do anything about it now. I did rediscover my red blazer though while I was looking for something to wear over my dress, so that's a bonus, right?I decided it was time to sort out my wardrobe as every time I would open the doors, something would fall on me. A good four hours or so later and it looks so much better than it did. I just need to keep it that way. Well...and find somewhere to donate the clothes I don't want/see what might sell on eBay.I rediscovered some old photos from three years ago. This one above (middle far right) is one of my favourites and it's got me thinking about winter and being all cosy. I love it and I can't wait to wear my Christmas jumpers and be all snuggly with a hot chocolate. Mmm.Andy surprised me with a pug onesie when I was at his on Saturday. How sweet?! It's so good and since I can't have a pug just yet, I can just be one instead. Sorted! I watched the finale of 90210 and oh maaaan. I've been way too emotional these past couple days. 90210 was a happy sad ending (if you've seen it you'll know what I mean) then we saw Kick Ass 2 which had some sad parts, although on the whole left me wanting to be a superhero, then there was About Time which we saw last night. One of the perks of having a cinema card is the advanced screenings we can go to. I really recommend About Time, not just for the fact it's a great chick flick, but it's thoughtful and moving...just ask my mascara!What've you been up to?You can follow me on Bloglovin | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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