Lifestyle Magazine

2013: Week 32

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
2013: Week 32handy little signs | Nando's date | walking down to setboyfriend shirt | healthy lunch | necessary selfieMalmaison | cute candle | walking home from MetafitHi! So last week I mentioned that I'd been on set getting some work experience. I spent a few days helping out on BBC's The Paradise. I wasn't allowed to take photos of filming or characters in their outfits and signed a confidentiality agreement to say I wouldn't. I can tell you though that the girls looked amazing in their dresses and it's so strange walking onto set, I almost felt like I needed a big dress to parade around in.I treated Andy to Nando's on Wednesday, partly because I was feeling generous and also because I didn't want to cook something with having the house to myself for the week. I think it may have to be a monthly thing because there's no way I want to go too long without chicken. He also left his shirt one night and I don't know why, but it's become one of my favorite things to wear. There's just something nice about wearing your boyfriend's shirts isn't there? and Andy has a very good selection of shirts!My Mam, Dad and Sister returned from their holiday on Friday (just as I'd become used to having the house to myself, apart from the cats) and brought back a couple of gifts. My favorite being this campervan candle.On Saturday after enduring a workout at Metafit, I rushed back home to get ready to go to the Meet Up at Malmaision (post here). It's such a gorgeous hotel and I'd love to stay there sometime, or even use the spa.Sunday saw Andy and I start watching Breaking Bad and it's definitely become our new thing. Since The Walking Dead isn't back until October and Game Of Thrones is next Spring isn't it? (so long away) we needed a new series to be hooked on watching.If Saturday's workout wasn't enough (and believe me I was still aching from it yesterday) I went to another Metafit class this morning, with the added difference of an abs workout afterwards then I even walked home rather than getting the bus. Hopefully I won't be aching this afternoon since I've got a job interview (keeping my fingers tightly crossed it goes really well) but I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow!What've you been up to this week?You can follow me on Bloglovin | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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