Entertainment Magazine

2013 Box Office: Eleven 100 Million Hits, Foreign Successes

Posted on the 24 June 2013 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Epic joined an elite group of movies this past weekend, becoming the 11th film to break 100 million this year. Here’s a look at the 11 films that have joined the century club:

11) Epic- 100.9M

10) The Hangover 3- 110.0M

9) GI Joe Retaliation: 122.2M

8) Identity Thief- 134.5M

7) The Great Gatsby- 141.5M

6) The Croods- 183.5M

5) Man Of Steel- 210.0M

4) Star Trek Into Darkness- 216.6M

3) Fast and Furious 6- 228.4M

2) Oz: The Great and Powerful- 234.5M

1) Iron Man 3- 403.1M

Now, a look at foreign box office totals paints a different top 11 (plus one more interesting entry):

1) Iron Man 3- 804.6M

2) The Croods- 576.9M

3) Fast and Furious 6- 417.3M

4) Oz: The Great and Powerful- 257M

5) GI Joe Retaliation- 247.3M

6) A Good Day To Die Hard- 237.3M

7) The Hangover 3-215.5M

8) Star Trek Into Darkness- 213.4M

9) Oblivion- 194.0M

10) Man Of Steel- 188.3M

11) The Great Gatsby- 171.4M

12) Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters- 170.0M (this is why there is a sequel in development)

The success of Hangover 3 is unusual. Typically, comedies don’t translate well overseas. Identity Thief made less than 40M overseas, yet was a huge success here. However, over the course of three movies, the Hangover boys have bucked the trend and proven to be box office smashes. Typically, films that do well overseas are actions, kids films, and films with major stars. Tom Cruise’s Oblivion did better overseas because he is attached to it, but honestly the hype behind the film would have likely still gotten it a large return. Even Disney’s dismal John Carter managed to rake in over 200M overseas.


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