Business Magazine

2012 Global Corporate Citizenship Conference

Posted on the 02 August 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

2012 Global Corporate Citizenship Conference

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is hosting a corporate citizenship conference on October 10 and 11, 2012, in Washington, DC. The conference, sponsored by the Chamber’s Business Civic Leadership Center, will feature briefings on international development trends, regional development assessments, and U.S. government and multilateral initiatives and will provide many opportunities for companies, organizations, and individuals to network, share, and learn.

Literacy, nutrition, poverty, hygiene, corruption, violence, disease, pollution are not just social issues, they profoundly affect the business landscape. As companies increasingly cultivate business opportunities in emerging markets, they encounter these challenges and are developing strategies and innovations that are improving social, environmental, and governance conditions. Businesses are changing the way that they work with governments, development agencies, and key stakeholders; applying technology in new ways to old problems and re-framing problems to come up with new solutions.

The organizers are also accepting speaker proposals.

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