
200 Best Gym Captions (Funny & Badass Captions)

Posted on the 30 May 2020 by Sassygirl

The best way to get motivated for doing intense workout in the gym is by seeing and sharing Gym Captions. If someone has already joined the gym then he could just enjoy seeing these captions. The feeling of sweating in the Gym is the best feeling for the people who are obsessed with fitness. Here are some of the inspirational Gym captions for girls, boys, and for everyone that could really inspire you to visit Gym daily. Because going to Gym daily and keeping yourself fit is not an easy task and for that, you need true inspiration.

Best Gym Captions for Instagram

Instagram is full of Gym captions, but most of them have become too old and you may have come across them a number of times. But if you want to stand apart from the crowd you should look at these inspiration captions related to Gym. Instagram is a place that everyone is connected to and the Gym caption on Instagram can be really inspiring. If you post your Gym photos on Instagram then Gym caption added to the photo may double your likes on the photo.

Best Gym Captions for Instagram
Best Gym Captions for Instagram
  • Fall in love with taking care of your body.
  • A 1-hour workout is 4% of your day. #noexcuses
  • Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
  • Respect your body. It’s the only one you get.
  • A healthy lifestyle is something we refine over time – not overnight.
  • Good is not enough if better is possible.
  • The best project you will ever work on is you.
  • Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.
  • She believed she could, so she did.
  • Pain is weakness leaving the body.
  • Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
  • It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Captions for Gym Selfies

Click a Gym selfie of your workout in the Gym and then post on Instagram and Facebook to show your hard work and dedication. Your selfie can also inspire your followers but the true inspiration will come when you add a caption with Gym selfie. Show them your good shape and diet plan with a mixture of funny gym captions. Here are some great captions for gym selfies.

Captions for Gym Selfies
Captions for Gym Selfies
  • Fall in love with taking care of my body.
  • Being a princess doesn’t mean you’re not a total QUEEN! Train like one to prove it.
  • A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood.
  • If you have time for Facebook, you have time for exercise.
  • I got 99 problems but I’m going to the gym and ignoring all of them.
  • Just think about how you wanna look, just think about how you wanna look. Ok, up to it!
  • I don’t care how many reps you do, as long as you lift girl weights you’ll get a girl body!
  • Don’t train to be skinny. Train to be a #badass.
  • If you want to know the correct way to perform an exercise, the answer is: Whatever hurts most.

Read – Funny Sports Captions for Instagram

Missing Gym Captions

The coronavirus pandemic has caused the Gym all over the world to be closed. This has affected the people obsessed with keeping themselves fit the most and they are missing the Gym the most. So here are some Gym captions that would show how badly you are missing the Gym.

  • winner trains, loser complaints.
  • Excuses don’t burn calories.
  • I’m not on steroids, but thanks for asking…
  • If you are out of breath, dizzy, feel like vomiting, can’t remember your name, you are on the right road.
  • The body achieves what the mind believes.
  • Going to the gym is the best drug.

Caption for Gym Videos

Gym video is the best way of recording all the hard work you do in the Gym but recording it isn’t just enough, you should post it on social media to show people your hard work and to accompany the video you should also add some of the Gym captions for Gym videos given below.

  • No pain, no gain.
  • Winners train. Losers complain.
  • Eat big. Lift big. Get big.
  • Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.
  • Excuses don’t burn calories!
  • Whenever my body shouts STOP, my mind screams NEVER!
  • I’m not stopping until I’m proud of myself.
  • Slow progress is still progress.

Read – Best Adventure Quotes & Captions for Instagram

Funny Gym Captions

Posting funny gym captions with gym workout photos and videos will not only show your hard work but will also show the funny side of your character. It shows that you enjoy the hard work that you put in.

Funny Gym Captions
Funny Gym Captions
  • You can’t please everyone… you’re not an avocado.
  • They say money can’t buy happiness… but it can buy yoga classes. And that’s basically the same thing.
  • Peanut butter is the glue that holds this body together.
  • Stop rewarding yourself with food. You are not a dog.
  • Workouts are my happy hour.
  • The only time Success comes before Work is in the dictionary.
  • Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  • If you want to know the correct way to perform an exercise, the answer is: Whatever hurts most.
  • Life has its ups and downs, we call them squats.

Home Workout Captions

The people who are true Gym freak will not stop their exercise and workout despite the fact that the Gym are closed. So surely most of you will depend on home workout to keep yourself fit. So here are some of the home workout captions that can truly inspire you.

  • Alexa, do my workout session for me.
  • Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results.
  • I’ll never break up with the gym. We just seem to work out.
  • Got to hustle for that muscle.
  • Just crushed this workout.
  • Does running late count as cardio?
  • Be proud of yourself.
  • Proud supporter of top-knots and yoga pants.

Read – Best Party Captions For Instagram

Gym Partner Captions

The gym can be great when you have a gym partner. So here are some of the gym captions that you could dedicate to your gym partner.

  • Find a gym partner as hungry as you.
  • Stronger together.
  • There is something unique between gym partner that you cannot find anywhere else.
  • Surround yourself with fitness-minded people.
  • Train together stay together.

Motivation Gym Captions

For people who still are thinking of starting the Here are some of the motivational gym captions that could really charge you up.

  • Change your body by changing your thoughts.
  • Never say the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
  • Fall in love with taking care of your body.
  • Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
  • Respect your body. It’s the only one you get.
  • A healthy lifestyle is something we refine over time – not overnight.
  • Good is not enough if better is possible.
  • The best project you will ever work on is you.
  • Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.
  • The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
  • Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow.

Badass Gym Captions

If you are one of those badass gym freak who work hard in gym and gym is like a lifeline to you then these gym captions is perfect to match your workout intensity. If you love to post photos and videos on social media to show prople that you are one of the badass gym freak then these captions can help you prove this point.

  • Get ripped, get laid.
  • Pain is weakness leaving the body
  • Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
  • Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.
  • If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail
  • The worst thing you can be is average.
  • Go hard or go home.

Read – Savage Instagram Captions for Badass Pictures

Gym Life Captions

A gym life is a symbol of hardwork and a tough life. So to show people how tow tough you are here are some gym captions.

  • Of course it’s heavy, that’s why they call it weight.
  • Life has its ups and downs, we call it squats.
  • Do I have abs yet?
  • It hurts now, but one day it will be your warm up.
  • Men shouldn’t hide weakness, they should kill it.
  • The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.
  • I will sacrifice whatever is necessary to be the best.
  • The body achieves what the mind believes
  • Once you see results , it becomes an addiction
  • The gym doesn’t ask silly questions , the gym understands
  • strive for progress not perfection
  • Fuck the Stress, Bench Press.
  • Party like a Rockstar. Fuck like a Pornstar. Lift like a Monster.

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