
20 Things To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Writing a Blog Post

Posted on the 06 January 2021 by Emily Underworld @emilyunderworld

Do you want to work on your blog, but don’t feel like writing a blog post? I feel you. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one!

I go through writer’s block (or should I say blogger’s block?!) every now and again. I think we all do!

20 Things To Do When You Don't Feel Like Writing A Blog Post.

Over the past 7 years I’ve been blogging, this has happened to me many times. Sometimes you really do just need a break. I wrote about my experience taking a break from blogging and social media last year: it was definitely worth it for my wellbeing. Other times, you might not have any inspiration or motivation to write, but you still want to work on your blog. That’s okay too!

Here’s a list of 20 things to do when you don’t feel like writing a blog post. We all know that maintaining and improving your blog isn’t entirely about the content! You can take a break from writing, while still getting a few productive things done behind-the-scenes.

20 Things To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Writing a Blog Post

  1. Find and remove broken links. Yes, this is a boring chore, but it needs to be done!
  2. Update an old post (add relevant internal links + affiliate links).
  3. Share an old evergreen post on social media.
  4. Make and schedule pins!
  5. Check your keyword rankings.
  6. Do some keyword research around your niche / future blog post ideas.
  7. Find blogs + websites in your niche that allow guest posts. Make a list of them! You might want to write for them in the future, which can help bring in blog views, and improve your SEO and DA (domain authority).
  8. Update your photos. Can they be optimised better? Can you replace them with better photos?
  9. Update your about me page.
  10. Update your work with me page with recent stats.
  11. Explore your Google Analytics. What posts are popular? Brainstorm similar ideas.
  12. Write down your goals. What are you doing to achieve them? Here are my goals for 2021.
  13. Update your resources page. Create one if you haven’t already!
  14. Find more bloggers in your niche. Comment on their posts, and engage with them on Twitter.
  15. Review your WordPress plugins. Do you need all of them? Delete the ones you don’t use.
  16. Create a free download for your email list opt-in (or to share in a future blog post).
  17. Check if your blog functions properly on mobile as well as desktop: navigation menus etc. Accessibility and user experience are important!
  18. Delete unused or replaced photos from your media library.
  19. Turn a popular blog post into a YouTube video, Twitter thread, printable or ebook. I’m a big fan of repurposing content!
  20. Audit your categories. Do you need them all? Have you written descriptions for all of them?
20 Things To Do When You Have Blogger's Block.

I hope you found a few ideas to help when you don’t feel like writing a blog post. Blogging takes a lot of work, and you really do need to take breaks. Maintaining and improving your blog might not be as fun or satisfying as sharing a new blog post, but it still needs to be done.

If you’re struggling with blogger’s block, you’re not alone! Try not to compare yourself with other bloggers, especially if they blog full-time and you do it as a hobby. I promise you that even your favorite blogger runs out of inspiration sometimes.

Grab the free printable version below.


Wishing you (and your blog) all the best in 2021!

Make sure to check out my 27 Ways To Make Money Blogging post if you’re aiming to monetise your blog this year. I’ve also shared some beautiful WordPress themes (free and paid) for those who fancy switching up their blog design.

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20 Things To Do When You Have Blogger's Block. Blogging Tasks to do when you don't feel like writing a blog post. What to do when you have Blogger's Block.

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