
20 Nice Things To Do After A Big Fight To Help You Make Up

Posted on the 01 July 2023 by Statused

Sometimes, in our relationships, we fight. Whether it’s about an unattended task or an unfulfilled promise, arguments can erupt and escalate, causing a rift between us and our loved ones. But remember, no matter how big the fight, it’s never too late to make amends and work towards reconciliation. So, after you’ve both cooled down, consider doing something nice to restore the bond.

Here are 20 beautiful gestures that can aid you in making up after a big fight.

Send Them Flowers

Flowers are a timeless symbol of apology, love, and goodwill. The beauty of a blooming bouquet has the power to soften even the hardest of hearts and express feelings that words often fail to. You can either leave a bouquet at their doorstep or have it delivered by a local florist. You may even want to get flowers delivered the next day after the fight. The surprise element and the sweet gesture could well be the beginning of your reconciliation.

Write Them A Letter

Handwritten letters hold a special charm and personal touch. Take your time to pen down your feelings, admit your mistakes, if any, and express your intent to resolve the issue. A heartfelt letter can go a long way in making your loved one feel cherished and important.

Cook Their Favorite Meal

It is often said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” but this applies equally well to anyone. Cooking a favorite meal for your loved one can be a sincere way of extending an olive branch.

Plan A Surprise Date

Plan a special date to show your commitment to working things out. It could be as simple as a picnic in the park, a movie night at home, or an elaborate night out. The thought and effort that go into planning this date can convey your sincerity.

Listen To Them

An essential part of making up after a fight is to listen actively and attentively to your partner’s perspective. It can help you both understand each other better and reach a resolution more quickly.

A Warm Hug

A comforting and heartfelt hug can work wonders in healing wounds. It’s a simple yet powerful way of saying ‘I care’ without uttering a single word.

Give Them Space

Sometimes, after a big fight, your partner might need some space to clear their thoughts. Respect their need for space and give them time to process their emotions.

Do Something They Love

Participate in an activity your partner loves. Whether it’s joining them for a yoga session, spending time in nature, playing a video game together, or watching their favorite show, this shows your willingness to compromise and share in their interests.

Get A Small Gift

You don’t have to splurge on an expensive item to express your regret. A thoughtful, small gift that you know they’ll love can make them feel special and appreciated.

Remember The Good Times

Remind them of the happy memories you’ve shared. It could be through photographs, videos, or just talking about them. This can help rekindle the love and warmth that got overshadowed by the argument.


If you realize you were wrong, don’t hesitate to apologize. A sincere apology can mend many fractures and is often the first step towards reconciliation.

Offer To Help With A Task

Helping with a task they’ve been struggling with or simply assisting with their daily chores can show your care and support, which are essential in rebuilding your relationship after a fight.

Initiate A Heart-To-Heart Conversation

Open up a conversation about what happened, why it happened, and how you can both avoid such situations in the future. Communication is key to resolving disputes and misunderstandings.

Do Something Out Of The Ordinary

Break the ice by doing something unexpected and fun. This could be anything from an impromptu dance-off to a surprise road trip. It might just lighten the mood and bring a smile to their face.

Create A Playlist For Them

Music has a way of speaking directly to our hearts. Curate a playlist of songs that mean something to both of you or tunes that can uplift their mood. This unique gift could help bridge the gap caused by the fight.

Go For A Walk Together

A peaceful walk in the park or around the block can offer an opportunity for open conversation and relaxation. It’s also a healthy way to relieve any lingering tension or stress from the argument.

Make A Scrapbook Or Photo Album

A scrapbook or photo album can be a heartwarming reminder of your shared journey and the memories you’ve created together. The time and effort you put into this can show your willingness to work things out.

Schedule A Couples Therapy Session

If you feel that the fight has created a significant issue that you cannot resolve on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Couples therapy can provide you with useful tools to navigate through difficult times and improve communication.

Join Them In Their Routine

Be it their early morning run, coffee brewing, or evening reading time, join them in their routine activities. This can show them that you’re there and that you’re willing to invest time and effort in the relationship, even when things are tough.

Make A Promise And Keep It

If your fight was about a broken promise, make a new one and stick to it. Showing that you can be dependable can help regain your partner’s trust.

Remember, the aftermath of a fight can be just as important as the fight itself. Healing the wounds left by a heated argument requires patience, effort, and above all, love. By incorporating these gestures into your post-argument routine, you can ensure that every fight becomes a stepping stone towards a stronger relationship rather than a stumbling block.

In Conclusion

Conflict is a part of every relationship. It’s how we handle that conflict that defines our bond with our loved ones. When tensions rise, and words are said in the heat of the moment, take a step back, allow yourself to cool down, and then approach the situation with a calm mind and a kind heart.

Always remember, the objective is not to win the argument, but to strengthen the bond you share with your loved ones. So, make sure to do something nice after a big fight – you’ll be surprised at how much difference a simple act of love and kindness can make!

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