Diet & Weight Magazine

20 Minute Flat Abs Workout For the Busy Person

By Barun K.

Flat Abs Workout

Many people strive for flat abs. It takes a combination of hard work, determination, and perseverance. It may sound daunting, especially for those constantly on the go.

However, it is entirely possible – You can achieve flat abs in a limited amount of time.

The following outlines your flat ab workout. There are 8 exercises, including strengthening and cardio movements to help you define, tone, and flatten your middle. The entire workout should only take you about 20 minutes to complete, making it ideal for the busy person.

If any of the exercises cause pain, immediately stop and adjust your form. If the pain continues, stop the exercise. Further, make sure to stay properly hydrated throughout your workout. Drink water before, during, and after.

Start with a 3-5 minute warm-up. Your warm-up may include running or jumping on the spot. Choose an activity that gets your heart rate up!

No equipment is necessary, besides you and a space big enough to perform the exercises.

Now, are you ready? Let’s get moving!

1. Rotating Plank

Rotating Plank

The Rotating Plank targets all the abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and the internal and external obliques. It helps further warm-up these muscles, preparing them for the more isolated movements to come. In addition to the abdominal muscles, the quadratus lumborum in the lower back and the gluteus muscles in the buttocks are activated.

Muscle of abdominal

How To:

  • Begin in a full plank. Your arms are straight, with your hands directly under your shoulders. Your legs are straight back, and you are up on your toes.
  • Slowly rotate your body to one side. This means lifting one arm straight up and stacking the hips. Make sure the bottom hip does not sag down toward the ground. Hold here for the count of 3.
  • Rotate back into a full plank.
  • Slowly rotate your body to the opposite side in the same manner. Hold here for a count of 3.
  • Repeat this exercise for 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

2. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches are considered one of the most effective ab exercises. In a 2001 study, researchers concluding that this exercise was the best abdominal exercise to activate and strengthen the obliques and rectus abdominis muscles.

The oblique muscles make up our waistline. By toning these muscles, you slim down your middle and improve your posture. The rectus abdominis muscles, on the other hand, make up the sought-after 6-pack muscles and help flex your torso forward.

How To:

  • Begin lying face up on a comfortable surface, with your legs straight. Position your hands behind your head, with your elbows bent out to the sides.
  • Bend your right knee up toward your chest. At the same time, bring your left elbow to touch your right knee. Make sure your shoulder blades come up off the ground for this movement.
  • Straighten your leg and return your arm back to a neutral position. Simultaneously, bend the left knee up toward your chest and bring your right elbow to touch your left knee.
  • Continue to alternate sides.
  • Do this exercise for 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

3. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers

This move, also, targets the rectus abdominis muscle. However, it is also cardio move in that it gets your heart rate up. Cardio is an important part of achieving flat abs, especially if you have fat to lose around the middle.

In order to lose 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3 500 calories. Often, this equates to a 500 calorie deficit per day over the course of 1 week. The Mountain Climber exercise burns calories which can help create a calorie deficit to help you lose the extra pounds. However, this exercise alone will not be enough. You may have to throw in extra cardio sessions or create a deficit through your diet to accomplish your fat loss goals.

How To:

  • Begin in a full plank, with your arms straight, and your hands planted directly under your shoulders. Your legs are straight back, and you are up on your toes. Your body should create a straight line from your head to your toes.
  • Drive one knee up toward your chest.
  • As you send your knee back, drive the opposite knee up toward your chest.
  • Continue to alternate sides.
  • Do 20 repetitions for 3 sets.

4. Russian Twists

Russian Twist

Russian Twists also strengthen the oblique, or waist, muscles. Below is the basic Russian Twist exercise. If you want a harder variation, hold onto a weight. If you want an easier variation, keep the heels on the ground.

How To:

  • Begin sitting, with your knees bent in front of you.
  • Lift your feet up off the ground.
  • Clasp your hands together in front of you.
  • Slowly bring your hands to one side, turning the entire torso.
  • Come back to center and repeat for the opposite side.
  • Do 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

5. Lying Leg Lifts

lying leg lifts

This exercise involves the often neglected transverse abdominis muscle. It is the deepest abdominal muscle. However, since it isn’t as visible as the rectus abdominis, many individuals forget to train this one. Surprisingly, you can have a 6-pack but weak transverse abdominal muscles.

A strong transverse abdominis muscle protects the low back from injury and also pulls your abdominals inward, creating flat abs. Thus, it is important to strengthen these muscles on a regular basis.

How To:

  • Begin lying face up on a comfortable surface.
  • Engage your core. To do so, imagine a tightrope pulling your hip bones together.
  • Slowly lift both legs straight up. Make sure to keep your low back pressed on the ground. If this is difficult, try doing the exercise with a bend in your knees. Or keep one leg straight and slightly off the ground while lifting the opposite leg – in this case, you would lift one leg at a time.
  • Slowly lower your legs and repeat.
  • Do 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

6. Cross-over Mountain Climbers

Cross-over Mountain Climbers

This is another cardio move, similar to the basic Mountain Climber exercise. However, instead of just working the rectus abdominis muscles, the obliques also get involved. These cardio moves help build your muscle endurance and strength while sculpting out flat abs.

How To:

  • Begin in a full plank, with your arms straight and your hands planted directly under your shoulders. Your legs are straight back, and you are up on your toes. Your body should create a straight line from your head to your toes.
  • Drive one knee up toward your opposite arm.
  • As you send your knee back, drive the opposite knee up toward your other arm.
  • Continue to alternate sides.
  • Do 20 repetitions for 3 sets.

7. Deadbug

deadbug workout

The Deadbug also strengthens the transverse abdominis muscle. It, further, poses little to no harm to the lower back, decreasing your risk of injury. At the same time, it also helps pull the stomach inward.

How To:

  • Begin lying face up on a comfortable surface.
  • Position your arms straight up above your shoulders. And bring your legs back, so that your knees are above your hips and are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keeping your back flat on the ground, slowly lower one arm and extend your opposite leg.
  • Slowly bring your leg and arm back to start then, alternate sides.
  • Continue to alternate sides.
  • Do 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

8. Forearm Plank Hold

Forearm Plank Hold

This movement works not just the abs, but challenges the smaller stabilizer muscles in your shoulders as well. It is a full-body exercise. You start by holding the full plank; then you hold a side plank for each side. It is very similar to the first move of the workout, but we aren’t moving through all three, just holding.

How To:

  • Begin in a full plank, except with your forearms on the ground. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders, and your legs are straight back – you are up on your toes. Hold this position for 20-45 seconds.
  • Turn to the side, placing one hand on your hips. Hold the side plank for 20-45 seconds. Repeat for the opposite side, holding for 20-45 seconds.
  • Do 3 sets.

You made it!

It doesn’t have to take hours in the gym every week to accomplish flat abs. What it does take is consistency and an ab workout that targets your full core. Perform this workout at least 3 times a week for optimal results. Accomplish your goals faster and better than you ever thought possible!

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