20 whole Jews in the entire country.
Now, isn't that something? In a country of about 250 million people, there are 20 Jews who walk among them... and I very much hope that they are kvetching as they do so.
The snippet below was written by JTA and Times of Israel staff.
Just 20 Jews remain in the world’s largest Muslim nation, and it’s not clear who demolished their last house of worship, Java’s Beith Shalom20 Jews and one demolished synagogue.
Indonesia’s last synagogue has been destroyed, a Dutch news site reported.
Unidentified persons demolished the Beith Shalom synagogue in Surabaya on the island of Java to its foundations sometime earlier this year, according to a report on Indoweb.nl.
The synagogue has seen a number of anti-Israel protests staged in front of it and was sealed by Islamic hardliners sealed in 2009, according to the Jakarta Globe.
Reports suggesting the synagogue’s destruction have appeared in Indonesian media since May but were confirmed last week by the Indoweb.nl, which quoted the director of the Surabaya Heritage Society as saying that he intended to protest the demolition in talks with government officials.
I think that if the Indonesian Jews can get together with the Yemeni Jews they could maybe create a bowling team.