Cathy at Cathy 746 has a yearly challenge to read twenty books over the summer months starting on 1 June 2017 and running until 3 September 2017, and once again I’ve decided to join her. My aim this year is to read all twenty books in the allotted time span!!
As I’m competitive I’m signing up for the full twenty. My personal challenge is to read these twenty books from my bookshelf, physical books that I already own and have purchased for myself before today. Funnily enough I have plenty to choose from… a whole 91 in fact!
Because I know that facts in one book tend to lead me to seek out other books in my tangential reading style, I’ve decided to start with a spread of genres and authors for the first ten books – fat books, thin books and books in-between! Book lovers will completely understand the complexity of this choice which has taken many, many hours to hone to just the right mix, especially as I have had to factor in going on holiday and therefore I will have to further reduced the pile for the trip… I will post the next ten when these are all finished which should be in mid-July, if I’m on schedule!

The links below will take you to the Goodreads description
The Doctor’s Wife is Dead by Andrew Tierney
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
The Girl From Nowhere by Dorothy Koomson
Midnight in Peking by Paul French
The Island by Victoria Hislop
Saturday Requiem by Nicci French
Winter Garden by Beryl Bainbridge
What Remains Behind by Dorothy Fowler
Bones and Silence by Reginald Hill
I will be joining Cathy by tweeting my way through the challenge using the hashtag #20booksofsummer to demonstrate when one of my reads is part of this challenge! Should be easy eh?

As in the previous two years there will be a master page linking the titles to my reviews as they are posted, and of course eventually listing the entire twenty books.

Top of my holiday reads is Reginald Hill, I always read one of his books on holiday, and of course there is The Island which I bought after visiting Spinalonga, Greece’s former leper colony in Crete last summer, Dorothy Koomson is an obvious choice but is In Cold Blood too grim for sunshine and cocktails?
So what do you think of my choices? Where would you start?
I’ve enjoyed looking at everyone else’s choices so far and after all having read the full list of 20, I will need replacements.