Cathy at Cathy 746 has a yearly challenge to read twenty books over the summer months starting on 1 June 2016 and running until 5 September 2016, and I’ve decided to join her.
As I’m competitive I signed up for the full twenty. My personal challenge is to read these twenty books from my bookshelf, physical books that I already own before the end of the challenge. I’m on book nine at the moment (although only up to review number five) and as I only chose the first ten books at the start, I promised I’d add the second set half way through the challenge – so here we are books eleven to twenty!
The Narrow Bed by Sophie Hannah
They Did It With Love by Kate Morgenroth
Standing In The Shadows by Jon Stasiak
Did She Kill Him? by Kate Colquhoun
The Rehearsal by Eleanor Catton
Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberley McCreight
Tea by the Nursery Fire by Noel Streatfeild
The Chemistry of Death by Simon Beckett
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
I have been joining Cathy by tweeting my way through the challenge using the hashtag #20booksofsummer. Each of my posts for this challenge have the logo and the number of the book attached.
Like last year there is a master page linking the titles to my reviews as they are posted.
So what do you think of the second half of my choices? Do you have any suggestions on where I should start or perhaps you think some of these need to be put back on the shelf and forgotten about? All comments welcomed!