
20 At-Home Learning Activities for Toddlers

Posted on the 27 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

20 At-Home Learning Activities for Toddlers


Just because your little one is not yet in elementary school does not mean that their path to learning has not started. Encourage them to experience the concepts behind math, reading, science - even engineering and social studies - with these fun home learning activities for toddlers and preschoolers, including most can be done with items you have pulled from all over the house (making them easy to enjoy whenever there is an unexpected rainy day and you need fun activities indoors to children). Soon, they will count, recite their letters and sort their toys by color or shape. After that ... the world is theirs!

A word of warning though: even though toddlers and preschoolers seem so fat compared to babies they once were, they still have no common sense, so any activity should still be closely monitored. This is especially true for counting activities or projects that involve small chunks, which may present risks of suffocation, or anything that involves water, which could be a risk of drowning (even if only a small bucket of water). But by guiding them, they will love these projects so much, they will forget all these buzzing and flashing toys in the toy box.

"Bear hunting" card

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