honor The company has launched new laptops in India under the MagicBook series. These include Honor MagicBook X14 (2023) and Honor MagicBook X16 (2023) models. These new models have come with better specifications than their previous models. Both of them are equipped with 12th Generation Intel processor, in which 2 storage options are available. Apart from the display, most of the features of both the laptops are the same. Let’s know all the details related to their price and specification.
Honor MagicBook X14 (2023), Honor MagicBook X16 (2023) price in India, availability
The company has set an initial price of Honor MagicBook X14 (2023) at Rs 48,990, in which the laptop’s 8GB RAM + 512GB storage option is available. There is also a 16GB RAM + 512GB storage option of the laptop, which costs Rs 51,990. On the other hand, the price of Honor MagicBook X16 (2023) starts from Rs.50,990 for the 8GB RAM + 512GB storage option of the laptop. There is also a 16GB RAM + 512GB storage option of the laptop, which costs Rs 53,990. The sale of both laptops has been started through Amazon. Talking about launch offers, you will also get a discount of up to Rs 2,500 on bank cards.
Honor MagicBook X14 (2023), Honor MagicBook X16 (2023) specifications, features
Talking about the specification, as we said, both these laptops are equipped with similar features to a large extent. The difference is in the display size of both the laptops. Honor MagicBook X14 (2023) features a 14-inch Full HD (1920×1080) IPS display with a screen-to-body ratio of up to 88 percent. At the same time, Honor MagicBook X16 (2023) has a 16-inch Full HD (1920×1080) IPS display, which has a screen-to-body ratio of 89 percent.
In addition, both the laptops are powered by Intel’s 12th gen Core i5-12450H processor, coupled with 16GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 512GB of SSD storage. The storage of the laptop can also be expanded up to 1TB.
For video calling, it has a webcam, USB Type-C port for charging, 2 USB Type-A ports and 1 HDMI port. Fingerprint scanner will also be available in it for security. These laptops have a 60Whr battery, with which 65W fast charging support is available. The MagicBook X14 weighs 1.43 kg and the MagicBook X16 weighs 1.75 kg.