Books Magazine

1st Blogoversary for Imagineer-ing!

By Imagineer @ImagineerTeam

Yes indeed, it really is!  A whole year/twelve months/365 days/… well you get the idea!  Stats graph When we first launched, we had a phenomenal response, which immediately vanished somewhere.  I guess it was a case of “Wow!  Something new!  Must have a look.” followed by everybody going back to their usual reads.  I know it happens.  What’s more gratifying is that things have slowly turned around.  A few readers every month throughout most of 2012 picked up in the last months of the year.  Then, as you can clearly see from the graph, 2013 arrived and the first two months have, to say the least, been astounding.  There is no doubt about it, I feel as if the blog has truly arrived!  If the rest of the coming year can match up to the last two months, then I’ll be absolutely thrilled.  Of course, if it can actually continue to grow in visitors and readers, then that would be even better.  I now have a sense that writing the posts is more than simply satisfying a personal desire to do so.

With the increase in visitors, and the fact that at least some appear to visit more than once a day, means that Imagineer-ing is becoming more attractive to those looking for another audience.  Requests are now coming in as never before for book reviews and Feature Posts have become more frequent.  Hopefully, we’ll soon see guest bloggers and reviewers appearing.  They will be made very welcome!  Do note, though, that this doesn’t mean I wish to seriously reduce my own contribution to the blog.  Far from it.  What it does mean is that there should be far fewer days when there is nothing new.

I wish I could offer readers the chance to win a free ebook, but of course all my ebooks to date are offered for free anyway.  Please be assured, nonetheless, that your support is always very deeply appreciated.

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