Art & Design Magazine

1993 New York Graf Documentary Ft. Cost & Revs, Fu-Schnickens

By Whatyouwrite @whatyouwrite

Shot at the Graffiti Hall Of Fame in the Lower East Side of New York, this early 90′s documentary captures the visual art of Hip Hop and the mentality of it’s practitioners in contrast to other people in society at the time. Queen Latifah takes a moment to share her thoughts on graf from the perspective of an everyday person who lives in the inner city and is not necessarily an advocate for the rebel artform. If you know your graf legends, a few famous artists from New York such as Cost & Revs and Cope 2 are shown in addition to 3 emerging artists who are interviewed in the process of doing a “piece” live from a New York courtyard.

To add more flavor to the doc by emerging Hip Hop music of the time, Fu-Schnickens are interviewed during their debut, represent the amazing amount of character which groups had of this era. Whether graffiti or music, New York was definitely representing with a strong sense identity and leadership of Hip Hop in the early 90′s

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