Fashion Magazine


By Winyeemichelle

The '1989' Tag especially for T.Swift. Continuing my Taylor Swift takeover, I thought I’d finally go against all of my own rules and post the 1989 tag that’s been circulating the community. When needs must, eh?
1. Welcome to New York. If you could live in any city, which would it be and why?
I always saw myself answering this with Hong Kong, funnily enough. I love the buzzing atmosphere here and how there is always something to do: it’s a refreshing sort of busy that is perfectly different from, say, London for England. I also want to maybe live in Brighton when I’m more “settled” in my life. My best friend and I looked at apartments only a few months ago!
2. Blank Space. What is something that everyone thinks is true about you but is actually false?
That I’m really na誰ve. No, no, 99.5% of the decisions I make are considered ones. I just make bad ones all the time. And just because I’m small in size, it doesn’t mean I know nothing about the world.
3. Style. What is one item in your closet that makes you feel unstoppable?
Either my rose textured leather skirt, my vintage CHANEL jeans or my leather jacket. Or if we’re talking practicality, then my Nike Free Runs.
4. Out of the Woods. What is one thing that you're afraid of?
If you’d asked me this 5 days ago, it’d be a completely different answer (maybe more deep), but now: GECKOS. Why. Are. You. In. My. Apartment.
5. All You Had To Do Was Stay. Who is someone you wish was still in your life?
Both of my G-dads.
6. Shake It Off. What is something you have had to shake off?
People constantly telling me that I’d never get to where I wanted to be, usually because it didn’t match up with their own vision or expectations. But hey, I do work in fashion now, I moved to Hong Kong on my own and I’m still every part as quiet as I was when I was being incessantly bullied at school. (But I’m not being bullied now.)
7. I Wish You Would. What is something you'd like to happen right now?
I made some wild plans (not for a Saturday night out, for somethin’ life and werrrk related) the other day and I really can’t wait to start work on them!
8. Bad Blood. Have you ever had someone stab you in the back?
Y-E-S. All the time.
9. Wildest Dreams. What would you like to be remembered for?
For always trying and sometimes managing to achieve those wild daydreams.
10. How You Get The Girl. What is your favorite pick-up line?
None, hahah.
11. This Love. What is something you got back that you never thought you would?
Actually, this one time I lost my credit card, Oyster, work security pass, driving license and my Pinkberry (RIP) loyalty card and pretty much died. But then after the weekend, I found that someone had posted it back to my house! Heartwarming stuff. Also, I got back that guy from this post here. Judge me later pls.
12. I Know Places. Where is one place you always feel safe?
Again, if you’d asked me earlier I’d say my bed, but that now means soft-place-near-geckos. So, the lake at my UK home or the bay here in my HK home.
13. Clean. What is an important lesson you have learned in life, and how did you learn it?
“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” By literally and figuratively falling down and always building myself back up, usually with the aid of a friend, a beer, a cat or a spoon and jar of Nutella.

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