Fashion Magazine

19 Years Ago Today

By Wardrobeoxygen
19 years ago this day I went to the movies with a group of friends and met a guy. A guy so awesome, I came home that night and told my mom I would marry him. I was 17.
19 Years Ago Today19 years ago, I begged my friend to get a picture of me with this guy, because I had to remember this evening forever.
19 Years Ago TodaySince then, we went to prom together, graduated high school. You went off to the Navy, I to college.
19 Years Ago TodayWe reunited, traveled together, dealt with tragedies together.
19 Years Ago TodayWe got married...
19 Years Ago Today...bought a house and made it a home...
19 Years Ago Today...added to our family...
19 Years Ago Today...and continue to have amazing adventures together.

Here's to 19 years of knowing you, Beeb. It's been a wonderful ride, and I look forward to the rest of the journey!
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