Hostel life is considered to be one of the most amazing phases in the life of a student. A hostel is a place where the student develops himself as an independent person with his own responsibilities.
Before entering the hostel, every student remains in the protection of a good comfy house with their parents where they get everything which they ask for, from food to clothes to all the luxuries of life. But, once a student enters into a hostel, they realize that they are out of their comfort zone.
Why Hostel Life Is Awesome

The hostel life is completely different from the one which you by now had enjoyed being with your family, friends and relatives.
Here you have your own room, just friends on whom you can depend on. But do you know that hostel life is the best phase of your life?
If you are in doubt, then you landed on the right page because today, I am here with the reasons why hostel life is the best phase of your life, despite being a different one.

After entering the hostel, you will start learning every possible way to save money. If you will have an open hand to money, then it will push you into a pit. And only your saved money can save you. You will find numerous ways to save money in a hostel.

Believe me! All your tantrums for food will be washed out when you try the food of a mess. But that'll make you a superhuman who can digest almost anything.

You will get to know what group study really means when only one friend will be teaching almost 10 people on one night before the exam.
You start to develop skills to work under pressure. Because most of the times there will be no one to force you to study and you will be finding yourself searching for the books a night before your exam.

Being in a hostel, your mind gets sharp because you start giving nicknames to everyone, from a security guard to your warden to your teacher.
6) Wake up Early- For a Loo 😀

Haha! 😀 Yes, it is really a funny thing which makes your hostel life the best one. You learn to wake early, not to study, but to go for a loo before someone else does. If you won't get to the bathroom on time, then you will face the water scarcity issue.

Whether you get a degree in your academics or not, but you will definitely pass with flying colors in the jugaad subject. If you really want your life to go on smoothly in the hostel, then you have to use every possible jugaad for it.
8) Feeling of being in a Stadium 😀

Watching cricket and football matches with your friends will never make you feel that you are not in a stadium.
9) Maggi- Your Best Friend 😉

No matter, whether you make any friends or not, but Maggi will be your best friend. It will give you a company on those sleepless nights.
10) Enjoying every small thing 😀

You start to enjoy the small things in life, like playing cards in candlelight during power cuts. Counting stars with your friends just because you have nothing to do, all this gives small peaceful joy.
11) Best Buddies for Life 😉

You will make few good friends in the hostel who will stay with you for a lifetime and you can call them your best buddies.

Bunking your classes and taking every risk to reach your favorite place will be the most fun part.

Also, the best joy time in the hostel is playing pranks on your friends, especially during the night.
14) Your birthday becomes the most painful day of the year 😀

15) Feeling of being independent 🙂

16) Late night show at hostel 😛

17) You know where to find the things. People swear by your management skills 😛

Apart from these reasons, you will even start taking every single opportunity to enjoy the moments with your friends.
18) You know how to save petrol. One bike is an ride for three 😀

Hostel life gives a good fun time to every student. Most of all, hostel prepares you for the harsh world out there. No one is more ready to face it than a person who has been this self-dependent. So, guys, these are the best reasons why hostel life is the best phase of your life.
19) Chai-Sutta is the ultimate stress-buster for you 😉

I bet that you won't forget these moments ever in your life. These moments cannot be replaced throughout your life.
Why We Miss Watching Shaktimaan Unknown Facts About The Minions If you have any such experience of hostel life, then do share with us. 😀