Dad, do you feel as if you are having trouble bonding with your baby? Many dad’s feel as if it is harder to bond with their newborn baby, especially, if mom chooses to breast feed their baby. If you are feeling left out and can’t participate in your baby’s feedings, use these 15 tips to help bond with your baby. Some mom’s do use a breast pump to pump breast milk into a bottle so that dad can join in on infant feedings. However, dad’s you can still bond with your baby without ever feeding your baby a bottle.
15 Tips for Dad To Bond With Their Newborn Baby
1. Pick up your baby from their crib and bring your child to mom for feedings at night.
2. Change your babies diaper.
3. Rock your baby to sleep when they are ready for a nap.
4. Play and spend time with your baby so that mom can have a break, get a nap, or have a chance to take a shower.
5. Create a bedtime routine at night with your child by reading a book or signing your child lullabies or another routine that is something that only you and baby do each day.
6. Help or give your baby a bath.
7. Hold and snuggle with your baby.
8. Talk or sing songs to your baby. They may not fully understand what your saying but they love listening to your voice and learning new rhythms and sounds.
9. Gaze into your babies eyes or watch your baby sleep in your arms.
10. Baby wearing is not only fun but it is a great way for your baby to feel comfort and love. They will get acquainted with your smell and your heart beat.
11. Learn your babies cries and what they mean so that you can accurately respond to your baby’s cry.
12. Give your infant a massage.
13. Encourage dad to take baby for walks outside, it is a great way for dad to get some exercise and fresh air.
14. Learn how to sooth your crying and upset baby.
15. Encourage dad to attend your child’s doctor or well baby check ups so that they can learn about their child’s health.
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Did you have trouble bonding with your baby?