Father's Day, 2015.
- Always being able to tell people – aged 5 – that Mondays were my favorite because that was Dad’s day off.
- How he really still cannot do laundry and opts instead to buy hundreds of new socks when we’re away.
- His Hainanese chicken rice recipe. (Ditto all other dinners.)
- When he gives me 20 English pounds to buy a carton of milk and tells me to “keep the change”. FREE MONEY.
- That he chooses to wear a snapback instead of a chef’s hat at work.
- Peeking in his wallet and finding the ancient film photograph of him and I when I was about 3!
- How he’d stay up until 4am to pick me up from nights out when I was a young eighteen y/o sprite.
- When he walks into my (old) bedroom and calls me a wizard because of the Harry Potter memorabilia everywhere.
- How he’s the most chilled out and laid-back guy in all the land.
- When I had a boy round aged 17 and he waved a meat cleaver at him from around the kitchen door. Wish I was joking.
- His hyper mode when on holiday.
- His supermarket shopping style – aka just wander from one end to the other picking up one thing at a time with no logic or direction. (Cough cough, me in life.)
- How he laughs at all of his own jokes and forces all of us/his staff to laugh along too.
- When he sees a puppy on the street.
- How he always has my back.