Current Magazine

15 Muscle Building Tips [Infographic]

Posted on the 11 August 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

There are many ways to build muscle. Some of these are eating five to six small meals a day, strengthening your core, not sticking with a workout routine, doing some water sports, and consuming the right nutrients after workouts. In addition, we should also remember that it’s not just about lifting weights—a common misconception. The truth is, we can build muscle by paddling, navigating monkey bars, flipping tires.

Want more? Here are other muscle building tips from TestX Core:

1. Eat sufficient protein and carbohydrates. If you really want to build muscles effectively, you must complement your training with a protein-rich diet. You can’t expect muscle growth if there’s no protein in your diet. Protein is made up for amino acids. These amino acids play a vital role in building muscles. They are our muscle’s building blocks of our muscles. Without them, it sounds impossible to build muscle.

2. Sleep at least seven hours a night. You are not effective if you lack sleep. That’s a fact. Unfortunately, some compromise their sleep in order to balance work, family, and muscle training. If that’s the case, then they’re wasting their time. Sleep is the only time when our hormones and testosterone are being released. It’s the perfect time to develop and repair our muscles. Please, have an adequate sleep.

15 muscle building tips


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