
15 Meeting Memes To Keep Up Team Spirits 2023

Posted on the 07 February 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

It may appear as though you spend the majority of your time in meetings rather than actually working. I can’t speak for you, but the majority of those meetings are now held virtually for us.

What about you? Because more and more work is being done remotely, virtual meetings have become an increasingly important tool for maintaining connections in the workplace as well as in our personal life.

One of the most advantageous aspects of holding meetings virtually is the convenience of having all of the materials you require at your disposal, including spreadsheets, meeting agenda templates, and even AI note-taking tools.

The negative aspect of this is that it is very simple to become distracted by social media and begin searching for amusing cat GIFs or the newest dances that are hot on Tiktok.

Our solution? Meeting memes. The use of memes in meetings provides you and your team with something to focus on – and laugh about – without fully distracting you from the task at hand.

15 Meeting Memes To Keep Up Team Spirits 2023

What are meeting memes?

The term “meeting meme” refers to jokes about the workplace that have been adapted for use online. Consider using GIFs, still photographs, or excerpts from a movie that contain a humorous quotation or a reference to a pop cultural phenomenon.

The wonderful thing about meeting memes is that it is simple to share a link to them without interrupting the entire conversation. This is one of the many benefits of using meeting memes.

In order to make it simpler for you to locate the meme that best fits your needs, we have separated these meeting memes into four distinct categories.

Check out these top 15 meeting memes instead of scrolling through your social media page or updating your news feed. Your coworkers and you will be able to connect to these memes.

4 Best staff meeting memes

It is not necessary for staff meetings to be dull: These hilarious work memes can help you keep your mind occupied if you find yourself in a meeting that is boring, and they will also offer you something to contribute to the channel on Slack that you use to communicate with your coworkers.

  1. When you forget to TGIF….

Meeting meme: someecards meme about Friday

When you forget to TGIF....

Let’s face it: Maintaining a schedule is extremely crucial! Nobody wants to have a team meeting on Friday, and this is especially true for people who work from home and consider casual Friday to be just another day spent watching Netflix in their pajamas while using Zoom.

If we wait until Monday to discuss it, are we really going to forget all that we wanted to discuss?

  1. Is it lunchtime yet?

Is It Lunchtime yet?

Avoid 2 hour meeting meme

It’s possible that some of your employees take great satisfaction in the fact that they skipped lunch or ate soup from the microwave while working at their computers.

However, the fact that one of you is fine with this does not mean that the rest of you are as well! It is already challenging enough to be effective while working from home.

There is no reason to have meetings during everyone’s lunch break and so disrupt their efforts to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  1. It isn’t over yet….

Meeting meme: stay late meme

It isn’t over yet….

Just wait until the manager tells you when lunch will be over before skipping lunch is a big deal. We are not suggesting that time spent forming teams is a waste of anyone’s time, but perhaps the higher-ups might schedule this activity before the deadline for your quarterly review.

  1. Any questions?

Star Trek meme

Any questions.?

It’s not always the person in charge of the team who misses the obvious; sometimes it’s one of us! There is a time and a place for questioning, but if your team meeting has already gone into overtime, perhaps you should store your inquiries for the meeting after this one.

4 Best virtual meeting memes

Could a little lightheartedness be added to your virtual meetings? The four memes that follow make light of the blunders and misunderstandings that frequently occur in online conferences.

  1. I can’t hear you….

Meeting meme: I don’t always meme

I can't hear you..

When you aren’t using your microphone to communicate, make sure that it is muted so that others can’t hear you. It’s just excellent virtual meeting etiquette. In case anyone needs a gentle reminder, the Dos Equis guy is always available!

  1. Tech check

The Office meme

Tech check

What could be more awkward than failing to mute your microphone when you were supposed to? We are going to move forward with sharing the incorrect screen.

It’s not like your side profession of selling baseball cards on eBay is embarrassing in and of itself; nonetheless, now is not the time to bring that up in conversation with your coworkers.

  1. Let sleeping dogs lie…

Meeting meme: Zoom meeting meme

Let sleeping dogs lie…

They say that if you post something on the internet, nobody will ever know who you are.

And if you’re on an audio-only Zoom call, nobody needs to know that you’re a sleeping dog because they’ll just hear your voice. 3:00 pm meeting, you say? Oh, this is wonderful news. I had hoped to take a snooze in the afternoon.

  1. Awkward….

Bear on a park bench meme


Have you ever received the notification “Your meeting should start in a few seconds”… but it didn’t actually start? Is this not the right meeting room for you?  How much time should pass before you put yourself back into hibernation?

Even if we don’t know the answers to these questions, we want you to know that you’re not the only one who has them. (Well, you are technically correct, but I think you understand the point!)

3 Best work from home memes

Working from home comes with its own set of advantages as well as difficulties. When you’re at a loss for words to describe how you’re feeling, it’s times like these that make these three memes the perfect solution!

  1. No surprises….

Meeting meme: Charlie meme

No surprises….

When you add a meeting at 8:30 in the morning to your coworkers’ calendars at 7:53 in the morning, you shouldn’t be surprised if they show up dressed in this manner.

  1. Bad timing?

Kid crying meme

Bad timing.?

On a Zoom call, you can choose to ignore a variety of sounds, such as bird melodies, elevator dings, and even automobile alarms; but, a child who is weeping cannot be ignored.

If only you had the same control over the sounds that played in the background as you do over the video! If that were the case, it wouldn’t matter as much if your child had a temper tantrum in the middle of a crucial staff meeting.

  1. May the coffee be with you…

Meeting meme: Baby Yoda

May the coffee be with you…

A Baby Yoda meeting meme is the best way to liven up a dull gathering, regardless of whether or not you are a fan of the Star Wars franchise. Grogu’s sense of style practically shouts “work from home couture,” and we believe that all of us may benefit from picking up a thing or two from him.

4 Best general workplace memes

Finally, these timeless office memes are just right for pretty much any occasion you can think of. (On second thinking, before you submit any of these to your boss, you might want to reconsider!)

  1. Winter is coming…

In a meeting meme, Ron Swanson looks cold 

Winter is coming…

For those of us who spend at least some of our time working in an office setting, returning to a situation in which we do not have control over the thermostat can take some getting used to.

Let’s watch the Women’s Winter video meme created by College Humor one more time before we put on the air conditioner to serve as a friendly reminder that we all have unique conceptions of what constitutes the ideal temperature.

  1. Sorry, my notifications were off…

Meeting meme: Sorry for bothering you

Sorry, my notifications were off…

As a remote worker, it’s simpler to avoid awkward interactions with other people. On the other hand, might it be that these exchanges are less awkward because everything on the internet is awkward?

But eventually, you won’t be able to avoid responding to your coworker’s Slack messages any longer.

At that point, you’ll have to explain that you aren’t mad at them; rather, it’s just that they don’t get the crying-laughing face emoji that you were using.

  1. It’s not that I’m distracted, it’s that I’m multitasking!

The Office Dwight meme

It's not that I'm distracted, it's that I'm multitasking!

If a coworker makes a comment about how much time you spend on your phone during meetings, don’t you wish you could just react with a meme like this one?

It’s not that you aren’t paying attention; rather, it’s that you are able to concentrate more effectively while your brain is juggling multiple tasks at once. (Is that something that exists??)

  1. Next question, please?

I wasn’t listening meme

Next question, please?

Okay, but there are occasions when you truly are preoccupied, yet your manager still manages to ask you a question about something to which you most certainly weren’t paying attention.

What options do you have right now? If you can’t find a way to replay the Zoom recording without making an excuse for yourself, we believe the next best option is to simply be truthful and say something along these lines.

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Conclusion Meeting Memes To Keep Up Team Spirits 2023

Meeting memes can help keep team spirits high and meetings on track.

If you’re looking for a way to inject some levity into your next meeting, or just need a break from the usual routine, check out our collection of meeting memes.

You may find one (or more) that fit the bill for your next gathering. And if you have any of your own favorites, be sure to share them in the comments below. We always love hearing from our readers!

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