Image Source: Good Books and Good Wine
Today's topic on the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, hosted by April of Good Books and Good Wine, is all about my bedtime reading ritual.Now, I don't have a bedtime ritual, per se, because every night is different. It depends on the book I'm reading, how tired I am, the night of the week, and the time of year.
Once the dog is let out, my face is washed, my teeth brushed, and contacts out I crawl into bed and my book does one of two things: gets picked up or sits on my nightstand.
If it's the weekend, I will definitely read into the wee hours of the morning; not so much on the weekdays though. Work and all - boo! However, if the book is really engaging or I'm close to finishing, I've been know to stay up pretty late. Just takes an extra cup of coffee or two the next day.
It's a little trickier to read physical books. Sometimes Joe doesn't mind my nightstand light, sometimes he does. I do have one of those book lights, but I still haven't figured out how to use it. I mean, I know how to use it, but I haven't found the best way to do so without driving myself crazy. eBooks obviously a little easier as the screen on my iPad lights up.
So there you have it. My bedtime not-so-ritual ritual. What's your ritual consist of?