
14 Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Posted on the 04 August 2021 by Harryrosen @tienpv

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect a child’s progress at school, as well as their relationships. The symptoms of ADHD vary and are at times difficult to recognize.

Any child may experience many of the individual symptoms of ADHD. So, to make a diagnosis, your child’s doctor will need to evaluate your child using several criteria.

ADHD is generally diagnosed in children by the time they’re teenagers, with the average age for moderate ADHD diagnosis is 7 years old [1]

Older children exhibiting symptoms may have ADHD, but they’ve often exhibited rather elaborate symptoms early in life.

For information about ADHD symptoms in adults, this article can help.

Here is the list of 14 common signs of ADHD in children:

Self-focused behavior

A common sign of ADHD is what looks like an inability to recognize other people’s needs and desires. This can lead to the next two signs:

  • interrupting
  • trouble waiting for their turn 


Self-focused behavior may cause a child with ADHD to interrupt others while they’re talking or enter into conversations or games they’re not part thereof.

Trouble waiting their turn

Kids with ADHD may have trouble waiting for their turn during classroom activities or when playing games with other children.

Emotional turmoil

A child with ADHD may have trouble keeping their emotions in check. They may have outbursts of anger at inappropriate times.

Younger children may have temper tantrums


Children with ADHD often can’t sit still. They may try to get up and run around, squirm or fidget in their chair when forced to sit. Another common symptom is restlessness.

Problems playing quietly

Fidgetiness can make it difficult for kids with ADHD to play quietly or engage calmly in tranquil activities.

Unfinished tasks

A child with ADHD may show interest in lots of different things, but they may have problems finishing them. For example, they may start projects, chores, or homework, but move on to the next thing that catches their interest before finishing.

Lack of focus

A child with ADHD may have trouble paying attention — even when someone is speaking directly to them.
They’ll say they heard you, but they won’t be able to repeat back what you just said.

Avoidance of tasks needing extended mental effort

This same lack of focus can cause a child to avoid activities that require a sustained mental effort, such as paying attention in class or doing homework.


Children with ADHD may have trouble following instructions that require planning or executing a plan. This can then lead to careless mistakes — but it doesn’t indicate laziness or a lack of intelligence.


Children with ADHD aren’t always rambunctious and loud. Another sign of ADHD is being quieter and less involved than other kids.
A child with ADHD may stare into space, daydream, and ignore what’s going on around them.


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Trouble getting organized

A child with ADHD may have trouble keeping track of tasks and activities. This can cause problems at school, as they can find it hard to prioritize homework, school projects, and other assignments.


Kids with ADHD may be forgetful in daily activities. They may forget to do chores or their homework. They may also lose things often, such as toys.

Symptoms in multiple settings

A child with ADHD will show symptoms of the condition in more than one setting. For instance, they may show a lack of focus both at home and in school.

Symptoms as children get older

As children with ADHD get older, they’ll oftentimes not have as much self-control as other children their own age. This can make kids and adolescents with ADHD seem immature compared to their peers.
Some daily tasks that adolescents with ADHD may have trouble with include:

  • focusing on schoolwork and assignments
  • reading social cues
  • compromising with peers
  • maintaining personal hygiene
  • helping with chores at home
  • time management
  • driving safely

Looking forward

All children are going to exhibit some of these behaviors at some point. Fidgeting, daydreaming and persistent interruptions are all common behaviors in children.
You should start thinking about the next steps if:

  • your child regularly displays signs of ADHD
  • this behavior is affecting their success in school and leading to negative interactions with peers

ADHD is treatable. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, review all of the treatment options. Then, set up a time to meet with a doctor or psychologist to determine the best course of action.

Healthily written, prettily disseminated

The inattentive type of ADHD doesn’t mean high mobility frequency. The individual may not heed to the person talking, daydreaming frequently, or being distracted. Low attention span is one of the main causes of Type 1 ADHD and a concern for personal development. See the doctor.

Symptoms of ADHD tend to drop as the child matures to adulthood. At a young age, misdiagnosis is not an uncommon problem. See your doctor if you think otherwise. Review which natural remedies can alleviate your concerns regarding the disorder.

There are 14 signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that make you better understand, find out the relevant topics to progress in development and structure a plan with your doctor to nurture your child.

Factual reviews on ADHD are only based on the diagnosis. No assumption should be the outcome of any test result. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to manage ADHD or ADD. Topics on ADHD are recommended to be available during early parenting education.

Every individual encounters ADHD differently. Not two patients will feel, think, or react in the same manner even under the same evaluation of behaviors. The doctor, together with a panel of specialists, will assess the current condition and make adjustments to the patient’s outlook.

ADHD or ADD must not impact your or your child’s personal development. People with ADHD are not discouraged over natural means, and your life is determined by your choice. Diagnosis, observations, or reporting can only do so much. The rest of them is up to you or your child’s decision.

No matter what, diagnoses of ADHD don’t mean the end of the world. There’re success stories of physical disabilities, personal and family problems, and even people with ADHD.

Reference List:

[1] Trusted Source, “A common genetic factor explains the covariation among ADHD ODD and CD symptoms in 9–10-year-old boys and girls”, Journal List – HHS Author manuscripts: PMC2634815, 02 February 2009.
[2] Trusted Source, “Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Trends in the Parent-Report of Health Care Provider-Diagnosis and Medication Treatment for ADHD: the United States”, Centers for Disease Control and Prevent (CDC), 2003–2011.
[3] Trusted Source, “Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy and offspring attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a prospective sibling control study.”, US National Library of Medicine – National Institute of Health, 01 October 2017.
[4] Trusted Source, “My Child Has Been Diagnosed with ADHD – Now What?”, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 08 October 2019.
[5] Trusted Source, “Psychometric Properties of ADHD Symptoms in Toddlers.”, US National Library of Medicine – National Institute of Health, July 2020.
[6] Trusted Source, “Everything You Need to Know About ADHD”, ADHD Health Topics, 13 June 2019.

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