Musical focusing on Sōma Kazue was originally slated to open in April
Marvelous announced on Friday that its new stage musical in the Hakuōki franchise titled Musical “Hakuōki Shinkai” Sōma Kazue-hen will now open in April 2021 and will run in Tokyo and Kobe. The musical was originally slated to open in April 2020 to run in Tokyo and Osaka, but was delayed due to the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Daisuke Nishida is scripting and directing the musical. The musical adapts the two Hakuōki Shinkai games, which remake the original game in Idea Factory and Otomate‘s franchise. The musical will be the 13th in the franchise.
Idea Factory released Hakuōki: Kyoto Winds (Hakuōki Shinkai: Kaze no Shō) for the PlayStation Vita in Japan in September 2015. Idea Factory International released the game in North America and Europe in May 2017. The company later released the game for PC via Steam in August 2017.
The sequel game, Hakuōki: Edo Blossoms (Hakuōki Shinkai: Hana no Shō), launched in Japan on the PS Vita in June 2016. Idea Factory International released the game in March 2018 in North America and Europe for PS Vita and Steam.
Idea Factory released the two games together for the Nintendo Switch under the title Hakuōki Shinkai: Fūkaden in September 2018. Hakuōki Shinkai: Tsukikage no Shō and Hakuōki Shinkai: Ginsei no Shō are new games for the Switch in the franchise. The first game shipped in Japan on September 2019, and the second game shipped on July 30.
The first Hakuōki stage musical debuted in 2012, and the latest musical, Musical Hakuōki Shitan Kazama Chikage-hen, ran in Tokyo and Kyoto in April 2019.