So, this is what I watched....

However, if you're David deCocteau, you bypass the industry and those stuffy closed minded executives and you make your dreams happen. Even if those dreams involve shirtless men being terrorized by older women in lingerie. So, if you're ever in doubt that you'll never be good enough or people just don't understand you, please be aware that sometimes those fears are justified and maybe its a good idea to not commit your ideas to tape until you've at least done a second draft.

Your next question might be, "What if I don't enjoy things like watching older women hit on guys or over the top objectification of guys in their underwear?" The answer is, even if you did, I'd still recommend you stay far away from this thing. Frankly, anyone who's within a arms reach of sharp instruments should probably stay away from it.
For those of you hoping for a movie about actual literal cougars, (as in big cats in the wild) well, you're really out of luck.But as a consolation prize, here's some cute cougar kittens who have done no crime in this world other than just being gosh darned adorable.

Now if this movie had just been about someone who was raised by a pack of wild kittens, not only would I have been onboard, but I'm sure it would have won every award ever. Because, kittens.
Moving on...
Here's what you need to know. And when I say "need" I mean, "here's what a lazy cliche ridden plot looks like"...
Three college guys - they're hunky, so they look good in underwear, but they wear glasses so you know they're smart - they go to a "job interview" for summer jobs.

And three "cougars" as in, well, you know.

You're right. We have seen this somewhere. Anyone remember A Talking Cat?!?!?!

Surprise, you guys...

Its not an actual job these tipping the scale gay men got hired for. There's just three women who want to kill them.

No one's being objectified at all. There is a very clear and indepth character study here and if you can't see it...
Sigh. I've got nothing.

Its the most frighteningly bad case of animation in film since...

But in a surprise twist that everyone sees coming, these three now "literal" cougars eat young men and stay kind of sort of young forever.
So maybe a very loose sequel to A Talking Cat?!?!?! which by far, a superior film in every respect.

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