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13 Best Linkedin Lead Generation Services 2022: Is LinkedIn Lead Gen Free?

Posted on the 04 December 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

If you've been having trouble with LinkedIn lead generation for a while, don't think you're the only one, because you're not.

In fact, a lot of people have trouble finding leads on LinkedIn, mostly because it is such a competitive field right now. If you don't want to get help from anyone else and you want to stand out on the professional networking site, you have your work cut out for you.

When it comes to outsourcing LinkedIn generation, you need to think about what kinds of companies are out there and which ones are legit.

There are a lot of things out there that can help you do a good job, but there are also some that might mess up and hurt your reputation.

This is obviously the last thing you want, so let's look at what we think are the best LinkedIn lead generation services for 2022.

What Is LinkedIn marketing?

LinkedIn marketing is the process of using LinkedIn to make connections, get leads, raise brand awareness, build business relationships and partnerships, share content, and drive traffic to your website. LinkedIn is a big part of many successful marketing plans today because it is so good at helping people connect with other professionals. When you use LinkedIn to market your business, you can use features like analytics, connections, and building your brand, to name a few. (Don't worry, we'll talk more about all of these in a minute.)

Did you know that more than 774 million people use LinkedIn around the world? Just based on this number, the platform is one of the best social networks out there.

Does your business use LinkedIn to its fullest potential to raise brand awareness, build your network, increase leads and conversions, and boost sales? LinkedIn is a platform that is often underused because there are always new social networks coming out. In reality, LinkedIn can be a very useful part of your social media content strategy.

Why Is marketing on LinkedIn important?

When it comes to social media marketing, you might be tempted to put all your efforts into the "big three": Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

These are great ways to reach your target audience, but leaving out LinkedIn is a huge mistake for your business. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network, and it generates leads 227% better than Facebook and Twitter. If you want to market your business, it's important to use LinkedIn.

But first, here's a quick introduction to LinkedIn for those of you who may not be familiar with it.

We couldn't make a list like this without first putting LeadGenService on it. Lead Gen Service is by far one of the best marketing agencies and lead generation services we've seen to help you with your LinkedIn leads.

They say that their features are some of the easiest and most advanced out there. They say that their features can keep your profile safe and save you a lot of time when it comes to finding leads. The best part is that their features are easy to use.

Lead Gen Service can help all of its clients find their target audience so that your website can get the right leads. They can also help you set up multiple campaign sequences so that your LinkedIn content is always optimised at the best time.

Lastly, they can help you make more real connections and make the most of them, so you can use your LinkedIn profile to build long-term networks.

If you want to make LinkedIn like you, you should check out UseViral. They can help you grow not just your LinkedIn account, but also all kinds of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This means that you can boost your LinkedIn profile and your views on YouTube and Twitch at the same time. They say that they will promote your account on their social networks and that they will use their network of more than 5,000 people to get more people talking about your brand.

If you want to take your LinkedIn account to the next level and make more connections, you should definitely look into this one.

SidesMedia is so good at what they do that they were named the most reliable source of social media engagement in general. Again, this shows that they are one of those companies that can help you with a lot more than just your LinkedIn profile. If you want to get more attention for your brand as a whole, they are the best choice.

It's great that they provide their clients with high-quality engagement within 72 hours of signing up. If you scroll down their home page, you can see all of the positive reviews that their clients have left.

This means they are real, committed, and ready to help you get your LinkedIn profile up and running no matter where you are.

4. Cleverly

If you want to generate more leads for your LinkedIn profile, Cleverly is a great choice. They can run specific campaigns for lead generation, and they come with a dashboard where you can see metrics in real-time and easily respond to potential leads.

They say they've worked with more than 2500 clients so far, which means they have a lot of performance data that can help you figure out what's best for your LinkedIn growth. They have a lot of five-star reviews online, and their customer service is great. But the best thing is that their prices are really low.

Here is another all-arounder you should consider if you want to take your LinkedIn growth seriously in 2022.

Pearl Lemon Leads is a marketing company for LinkedIn that is based in London. It helps its clients generate leads through LinkedIn.

Their boutique LinkedIn company takes the time to get to know every single client. This means that they can come up with a unique lead generation campaign that fits your brand's specific needs.

They can also slowly build up your online presence, which will be in line with the goals and plans for the future of your business. They're the kind of company you should check out if you've been working with too many big companies lately and want something more personal.

LeadLaunch is a great company for anyone who wants to use LinkedIn to grow their business online. They say that they position their clients' businesses in a way that encourages strategic engagement, so that you can find the best leads for your profile.

They put their clients at the center of everything they do. This means that they spend a lot of time doing market research, putting together campaigns, and making email signatures.

If you check them out, you'll see that they have a lot of different features you can use, which could help you get ahead of your competitors.

Linked Into Leads says that they are all about making measurable progress and change for their clients. This is a good way to cut through all the other users on LinkedIn to find the community that makes the most sense for your brand.

This process will help you reach more people and raise your profile, so it will be well worth your time and money. We also like that they do research ahead of time so that the connections they suggest for you are well thought out.

This means that you can count on getting a lot of responses from their connections, which will help your LinkedIn profile grow in the way you want.

8. Link2Success

Link2Success knows that using LinkedIn to find leads for your business can be effective, but it takes time. This is what they do best, so your messages, searches, and campaigns can be made to fit your target audience and save you time.

In the end, they want to make it easy for you to get leads, so you can see how powerful LinkedIn is without spending too much time on it. We like the fact that, regardless of how big or small your business is, the LinkedIn lead generation service can assist you in optimizing your LinkedIn profile.

If you want to make more sales or get more people to your website, you should check out this lead generation service for LinkedIn.

LinkedSelling is ready to help you get the word out about your brand so you can show it to influential prospects. This LinkedIn service can help you get leads, which you can then use to start long-term relationships on the professional social networking site.

Once they have done all of this for you, they will take care of your leads by using different platforms, such as outbound email, Facebook, LinkedIn, and content marketing. They even come with training and software tools so that you can always learn more about how to use LinkedIn to your advantage.

This means that you can get help with both short-term and long-term goals for your business.

LeadLemonade makes the lead generation process more efficient. This means that they find potential partners and clients who will be a good fit for your brand.

Once they've done this, they send those prospects to a chatbot that has been set up to encourage those prospects to move further down the funnel, so that you can eventually set up a meeting with them in person.

Obviously, if the meeting doesn't work out, this service will send them an email as an alternative way to get in touch. The whole process is enough, smart, and easy, so you can keep track of those leads without spending too much time on it.

11. PerfectBoom

PerfectBoom takes your LinkedIn lead generation to the next level by giving you a wide range of options for social selling and marketing. This means that no matter what it takes or how they do it, they get results for their clients.

When you use a service like this, you have a lot of options. For example, you can have a private coaching session about how to get leads, or their marketing team can help you improve your profile in-house.

Either way, they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves, which means you can spend more time on your LinkedIn content while they do the rest. Obviously, they have a team of experienced, qualified professionals who are ready to take your LinkedIn to the next level.

Getting new leads every day can be easy with LeadCookie. By taking charge and eliminating ineffective marketing tactics like unreliable referrals, you can take charge of your marketing efforts.

In addition to optimizing your profile's tagline and message, LeadCookie also optimizes your profile's targeted prospects.

They know making obvious sales pitches will turn people off, so they're never pushy and never make obvious sales pitches, which is one of the things we like best about their lead generation service. They are quiet, professional, and they will do the job.

13. LinkedIn Lead Ninja

No matter how involved you want to be with LinkedIn, LinkedIn Lead Ninja can help you with all of your lead generation needs. This means that they can do it all for you or just a little bit if you still want to be a part of the process.

They can also help you if you don't know how to use LinkedIn to your advantage. They can also help you make a plan for prospecting, build connections through LinkedIn, and train and coach your staff if you think they need some help along the way.

One of the things we like most about this lead generation service is that they care about real-world connections and know that the right partnerships are good for both parties.

In terms of content and content marketing on LinkedIn, here are 5 LinkedIn facts to consider.

1. 59.9% of LinkedIn's users are between 25 and 34 years old.

More than half of the people who use LinkedIn are in the age group of people who are just starting out in their careers or moving up in them. After all, it's a business network.

There are now many social media platforms, and each one is used for different things. Anyone involved in the content game should know this information. It is important for business owners to know this. Facebook is not Tik Tok. LinkedIn is not Facebook. Facebook is now a popular way for people to get local news, get help, and buy things near them. TikTok is a place where people go to have fun. People use LinkedIn to do business and meet new people. It's just how things are.

I'm not saying that you can't make connections on Facebook, but LinkedIn is where people go to make connections. LinkedIn is a direct way for the next generation of workers to be influenced. Companies and people who talk in this space are changing the workplace because of the trends, information, and conversations on LinkedIn.

If you want to see a change in #SterileProcessing, you have to change the minds of the next generation of people working in this field. LinkedIn is the best place to change the minds of young professionals who are just getting started in the field.

2. In 2021, LinkedIn conversations among connections increased by 55%

This is a very big effect of the pandemic, but it's a good effect. Since people can't always meet in person, more and more connections are talking to each other through LinkedIn. With so many people moving jobs in this country, more and more people started talking about changing industries. This means that people are talking and having conversations in this area. It's no longer just a list of jobs. It's a group.

If you didn't know the person who added you on Facebook and they messaged you right away to ask you to work with them on a business, your first thought would be, " Not with me, I've tried pyramid schemes."

But it's a different story if they do it on LinkedIn. It makes more sense. There are more business connections. You are more likely to take the chance or at least listen to it.

Conversations lead to connections, so the more we talk, the more we'll see change. So, if you want to see a change in #SterileProcessing, get on LinkedIn and start making connections.

3. The number of content impressions on LinkedIn is 15x that of job postings

In fact, 9 billion content impressions. 9 BILLION!

LinkedIn has changed from being "just" a place to find jobs to a professional network where people can learn about other companies in their field and educate themselves.

You're missing out if you think LinkedIn is just a job board or a place to put your resume. People from every industry are coming to LinkedIn more and more to connect, grow their businesses, learn, and make changes in their industries.

4. The LinkedIn community has 722 million members.

"To give you an idea of what that number means, Instagram has 1 billion users right now, and Facebook has 2.74 billion. It's not the biggest social network, but it's worth paying attention to because it's geared toward business.

And most importantly, those 722 million people visit LinkedIn to see content related to their work. Not cat videos; for that, they have TikTok. They come every day to see what people in their industry are doing, and they want to see this kind of content.

5. Engaging LinkedIn posts with images are 2x more likely to be shared

Yes, graphics that are well thought out will help you get more attention. It's as simple as that.

Since LinkedIn is a place where people go to see content, the best content is good content. People want to back good content, and they do. LinkedIn is the place where regular workers and people in the industry can create content for their communities and have that content change things by starting discussions. And content that is interesting will start more conversations than content that is not interesting. Without stopping the scroll, your golden content never actually "existed" for that user.

Imagine that I was selling billboards 50 years ago. I'll sell you a billboard on a highway that is driven up and down by 722 million sets of eyes every day. Will people who are driving stop to read a billboard that isn't well made, doesn't stand out, or isn't interesting? No.

Every post you make anywhere, including LinkedIn, is like a billboard on a highway. Content is king, but good content is the most important thing.

FAQS On Linkedin Lead Generation Services

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Final Thoughts: Linkedin Lead Generation Services 2022

Any of the companies I've talked about above could help you get more leads for your LinkedIn profile and make it bigger.

They should give you a good idea of how to generate consistent, strong leads so that you can build long-term relationships around your brand and keep your reputation.

I always recommend that you take advantage of any free trials that are offered so that you can figure out if the company is right for you or not. Best of luck!

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