Easter for many families is a time of celebration. It is a time for putting on a happy Easter outfit and taking adorable pictures with the Easter Bunny. Well, photos with the Easter Bunny do not always turn out picture perfect.
To make your Easter a bit more colorful, I found for you 13 Awful Family Photos with the Easter Bunny:
1. Happy Easter and Merry Christmas Combo Family Photo

2. Monster Headed Easter Bunny

4. Tragically Failed DIY Easter Bunny Costume

4. Attack of the Easter Bunny?

5. Move Away From The Creepy Easter Bunny

6. Melted Marshmellow Head Bunny

7. Everybody Look At The Camera And Smile At The Bunny

8. Let's Take Turns Screaming At The Bunny?

9. Family Pets Photo Bunny Love Style

10.Perfect Family Bunny Photo?

11. Never Too Old For Easter Bunnies?

12. Squishing The Bunny Family Photo

13. "Fun" Times With The Easter Bunny

I always thought the idea of having pictures taken with the Easter bunny to be an odd tradition. And I think these photos do tend to support my opinion that it is indeed very odd to take family photos with the Easter Bunny.
So what do you think ? Do any one of these photos strike you as particularly funny or bizarre ...or just plain awful?
Or are you just thankful that someone you know did not post your awful Easter family photos on the internet for folks to find and share?