Art & Design Magazine


By Rodjonesartist


Size (h w d):18 x 24 in
Medium:oil on canvas

Description: Because I never seem to judge the amount of paint I’m mixing when working on a work of art, I invariably have paint left over. So I will pull out a small canvas and let my imagination and the paint coalesce. Once 12:15 painting was complete my first thought was this is a jazz metaphor. Kept thinking about syncopation, copacetic, jazz track, chromatic scale and fortissimo. Then I put the painting in storage and forgot about it. While looking through some previous works, I re-discovered 12:15. The Jazz vibe that I felt at the time for the work was gone. Even though I was listening to Jazz in my studio, I had a new epiphany. So here are my final thoughts on this impromptu painting. Here you go… “Harbinger of time and space where reality is defined in mysterious shapes.” Tip to my fellow artists…if you over-mix paint, like invariably do, slap it on some canvas. You may be amused or you may just come up with something purely impulsive and entirely creative.

A note from the Artist’s Wife:  Also my husband Rod did not mention how we came up with title to this piece. There are 12 purple grates and 15 white brush strokes residing on a black textural background with free floating blue rods inventing dimension. Insights from the artists wife and fellow artist Inci Jones.

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