Business Magazine

12 Years Blog-a-versary!

Posted on the 27 February 2018 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

Happy blog-a-versary to Branding & Marketing!

How could it be 12 years have gone by for this blog? February 2006 was a long time ago.

My first blog post was about the caveman FedEx Super Bowl ad.

I enjoy watching the Super Bowl for the ads with my family

I remember thinking about starting a blog for at least a year or two before I actually did. Would I have enough ideas to keep it going? How would I figure out all the technology? Would I like doing it? How often should I blog? What to blog about? How long should it be? Where can I find images? How can I make it look cool? I had so many questions at first and was pretty hesitant to jump in both feet.

I didn't use my name or photo at first. Just my company logo. It wasn't until someone thought I was a "him" that started using my photo and real name.

Although I don't write 3 or 4 times a week anymore, I still find it helpful and satisfying to put thoughts out here. I enjoy reading the comments and helping new bloggers too.

If you're a long time reader, thanks for following along. And thanks especially for leaving comments. Building community is certainly a big part of blogging.


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