Family Magazine

12 Weeks Old - Baby Update

By Catty212
I can't actually believe I'm writing this post already. It doesn't seem 2 minutes since I wrote the 8 week update Time is flying.  The Little Man is so cute and cheeky. He makes my heart melt everyday! 12 weeks old - baby update He's become a proper little person now with a massive personality. He seems to learn a new trick or noise each day. He loves people, particularly my Mam, his Nana. He loves her singing and playing silly games with him. He's become such a smiler, the smiles start first thing on a morning and go on all day. He's got such a cheeky little face, I could just eat him up!Every day he's growing, learning and discovering new things.12 weeks old - baby updateHe can't seem to leave his mouth alone at the moment, and he's decided that sucking his thumb is the most fun and entertaining activity in the world! We try and discourage him from sucking it but he's very sneaky. I don't think it'll be too long before we see the first signs of baby teeth.
He's weighing in at a whopping 13lb 13ox - almost a stone! Apparently he's still hitting the 50th percentile on the growth chart which he pretty much has been since birth. The Health Visitor is happy with his progress and always comments on how clear and nice his skin looks.
12 weeks old - baby update He's sleeping through from around 11pm until 5.30am, having a bottle and then going back to sleep until around 8am which isn't bad at all. On a morning he likes cuddles with Mammy in our bed after Daddy has left for work and sometimes if I'm very lucky he might go back to sleep until 10am, although these days are rare they are very much appreciated when they happen!
Hubby and I alternate getting up with him, we take turns each night so we don't feel so sleep deprived.
He loves attention, and loves anyone to talk to him, he laughs and giggles and shows those gorgeous smiles. He 'talks' back, making adorable noises and acting all impressed with himself.
He's started to pay attention to what's going on around him. He loves being carried round the house so he can have a nosey at everything. He loves to watch a bit of TV too and is drawn to anything that's brightly coloured. He sat and watched a good chunk of Aladdin with his Daddy the other day.
He falls asleep instantly when the car starts moving but hates being in his car seat otherwise. He enjoys walks in his pushchair but hates the sun or any bright lights.
He loves his numerous Fisher Price activity toys and will happily play while I shower on a morning. He can now hold rattles and toys and swing them round and sometimes even gets them in his mouth.
12 weeks old - baby updateHe quite likes Tummy Time now that he can hold his head up high off the ground. He tries his hardest to push his legs up to move forward and can roll from his tummy to side. He enjoys lying on his brightly coloured play mat shouting at the animals and watching himself in the mirror.
He loves 'standing up' on our laps. He is constantly trying to straighten his legs and hold his own weight. From very early on he was able to confidently lift his head and hold it, now he's even better and can hold himself up without support.
We've booked him into start swimming lessons in June so we're excited to see if he enjoys it, he loves being in his bath so hopefully he will. We've also got a baby massage class and a weaning class to booked, it's scary to think that in the not too distant future he'll be eating big boy food!
I feel like we have so much more of a routine now. I can get us ready and sorted to leave the house in 30 minutes now instead of the original 2 hours. Doing things and going places is much less stressful.
Every day is amazing, and it's so nice being able to spend time watching him grow and develop. In the back of my mind I already have the 'end of maternity leave' dread. I'm supposed to be returning to work full time in November but I'm hoping we can manage financially so I'm able to take the full year off with him.
I hope the 4 month update takes absolutely ages to arrive!

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