Lifestyle Magazine

12 Days of Giving: Pile of Smiles

By Secondchancesgirl
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with The Motherhood. All opinions are mine alone.
It's more important to give than to receive. That's my holiday mantra so I am thrilled to participate in GoodWorld's 12 days of giving campaign! Honestly, nothing is more important to me than a happy, healthy child but unfortunately not every child is so lucky. I am blessed to have three healthy children and I make it my mission to give back as much as I can. I was asked to choose a nonprofit from GoodWorld's participating non-profits and the one that really spoke out to me was: Pile of Smile!
12 Days of Giving: Pile of Smiles
Pile of Smile is non-profit that uses art to raise funds to grand wishes for kids with cancer. I thought this was a very unique concept. As a family that supports the arts and channeling our children's creativity, this concept spoke to us. Through Pile of Smile, you can donate money, art supplies, purchase activity books, art pieces created by your children or volunteer your time to help children.
Once I signed up, I put my kids to work. We held a family painting session over the weekend. We pulled out canvases, paints and put our imaginations into overdrive!
12 Days of Giving: Pile of Smiles
We each painted a piece and collectively decided that JC's was the best so we will be submitting this to Pile of Smile, along with a monetary donation! Every little bit helps!
12 Days of Giving: Pile of Smiles
Now it's your turn! Check out Goodworld's list of participating nonprofits today! Participate in their 12 Days of Giving campaign (December 12-23) and help spread the word! 
12 Days of Giving: Pile of Smiles
About GoodWorld:
GoodWorld was launched in 2014 as a platform to enable seamless donations on social media 
and encourage viral giving. Their #donate technology makes giving to charity as simple as writing 
a comment or tweet.

As the pioneer of hashtag donations, GoodWorld allows social media users to directly contribute 
to the causes that they care about the most—making giving interactive, engaging and social.

By typing “#donate” in the comment block of a GoodWorld partner charity’s Facebook page or 
by tweeting “#donate” at a charity, social media users trigger an immediate donation that is 
shared with their entire network.

It is a one-time sign up to be able to instantly #donate to any of GoodWorld’s 1,300 partner 
charities with just a comment, including the United Way, Save the Children, Humane Society, 
Greenpeace and the UN Foundation just to name a few.

Here’s a video overview of how #donate works.

GoodWorld is giving away $1 million to their partner nonprofits this December as part of the 
Million Dollar Challenge. Anyone that #donates is considered a Social Giving Superhero, and will 
appear on the Wall of Fame.

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