
11,500 Flights Cancelled Worldwide Since Friday Amid Record Covid Surge

Posted on the 28 December 2021 by Geetikamalik
Read Time:3 Minute, 15 Second

New York: Chaos of global travel whose Christmas weekend seizures became Monday with the cancellation of major aviation which had an impact on millions who returned from the holiday break, because the Covid-19 case surged to record levels in Europe and several US states.
About 11,500 flights have been removed throughout the world since Friday and tens of thousands are more delayed, as long as one of the busiest travel periods – with several airlines saying nails in the case of omicron coronavirus variants has caused a lack of staff.

Cribering effects throughout the world, with around 3,000 flights have been canceled Monday and 1,100 more on Tuesday, according to flight Flightware tracker.

Popating the way for more people to return to work faster and minimize the prospect of the lack of mass workers, the control center and prevention of US disease on Monday dividing two periods of isolation for the case of Covid-19 asymptomatic from 10 to five days in this effort to disrupt the omicron mass.

Guidelines, which are not binding but followed by business and US policy makers, then show that the five-day isolation period becomes “followed by five days wearing a mask when around others.”

Cases in the United States are already on track to reach the highest record in January, driven by large pockets of residents who are not vaccinated and lack of access to fast and easy testing.

President Joe Biden said Monday several US hospitals could be “flooded” but the country was generally ready to meet the latest waves and Americans did not need to “panic.”

In a virtual meeting with the Governor of State and Top Health Advisers, Biden emphasized that the rapid spread of eryikron would not have the same impact with the initial outbreak of Covid-19 or a surge in Delta variant this year.

“Omicron is a source of concern, but it should not be a source of panic,” he said.

Nationally, the United States is close to the highest every day 250,000 cases recorded last January in the most affected countries in the world, which has lost more than 816,000 people with a pandemic.

New steps in Europe

The government around the world scrambles to increase vaccination, emphasizing that most hospitalizations and deaths occur among those who are not vaccinated.

 When some countries revive unpopular fraud, France stop orders to stay at home.

The ministers did call for employers to make staff working from home three days a week if possible after national infections hit the high numbers – in line with Denmark and Iceland, who also reported a diary.

Likewise with the United States, Prime Minister of France Jean Castex said the government would announce at the end of the week the reduction in the amount of isolation and the quarantine age needed for those who had Covid and their contacts.

Meanwhile, the English Premier League, announced that a record of 103 players and staff had been tested positive in the past week.

And in Greece, the authorities will ask for bars and restaurants to close at midnight from January 3, when the company must also limit the number of visitors per table up to six.

China’s strategy is tested

In the city of China Xi’an, the authorities scrambled to load the country’s worst covid outbreak in 21 months.

Desperate to keep the lid of the pandemic before the Beijing Winter Olympics in February, China has attached to the strategy of “zero-covid”, involving strict border limits, long quarantine and targeted locking. But there is a sporadic flare-up.

About 13 million residents were limited to their homes in Xi’an, where Covid control was tightened Monday to a “strict” level, forbidding residents of driving.

Two other Chinese cities also reported cases related to Xi’an, when the authorities urged migrant workers not to travel home on the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday.

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