Do you really want to test your mind? Are you very serious about your memory? Do you think that you are genius enough, and you have a lot of knowledge? I accept that you have a sharp mind, but I bet that 50% or 70% of these trivia quiz questions are new for you. And I dam sure that it will be going to boost your knowledge. As I said before general knowledge questions are the best way to increase knowledge. It also gives tuff time to your brain. So your brain thinking ability became increase.
In this article, we are going to discuss some movie trivia, general questions and answers, some multiple choice questions and also a section for UK based quiz questions.
Trivia questions quiz
![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] trivia quiz questions](
1. The longest mountain range “Andes” found in which country?
Show AnswerSouth America2. In which state of USA, Las Vegas City found?
Show AnswerNevada3. What was the old name of the country of Iraq?
Show AnswerMesopotamia4. Which company use the android application in their mobiles first time?
Show AnswerHTC5. Which is the longest river in Europe?
Show AnswerVolga6. What is the largest gold mine in the world?
Show AnswerGrasberg gold mine7. Severn is the largest river in which country?
Show AnswerUnited Kingdom8. Thistle is the symbol of which country?
Show AnswerScotland9. Which is the highest mountain in the UK?
Show AnswerBen Nevis10. Admiral Nelson statue place on which square in the UK?
Show AnswerTrafalgar Square11. Henry VIII English king had how many wives?
Show Answer612. Which famous pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan?
Show AnswerKhyber pass13. Which is the main Island in Japan?
Show AnswerHonshu Island14. What was the old name of Sri Lanka?
Show AnswerCeylon15. New York city before called what?
Show AnswerNew AmsterdamQuiz questions with answers
![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] general trivia quizzes](
16. What is the highest recorded temperature of the earth?
Show Answer134 F17. In which Peninsula Serbia and Albania are located?
Show AnswerBalkan18. Strait of Gibraltar is a border between which countries?
Show AnswerMorocco and Spain19. Which country map is like a board?
Show AnswerItaly20. Sicily is the largest Island of which sea?
Show AnswerMediterranean Sea21. Which is the world largest Orphan children charity?
Show AnswerSOS Children’s village UK22. Hillary Tenzing airport is the airport of which country?
Show AnswerNepal23. Which country is the largest producer of eggs?
Show AnswerChina24. How many oceans exist in the world, and which is the largest ocean?
Show AnswerTotal 5 Oceans exist from which the Pacific Ocean is the largest25. Between Jorden and Israel which ocean located?
Show AnswerDead Sea26. “Bermuda Triangle” region located in which Ocean?
Show AnswerAtlantic Ocean27. “Land of Midnight Sun” is titled for which country?
Show AnswerNorway28. “Playground of Europe” referred to which country?
Show AnswerSwitzerland29. “Land of Rising Sun” referred to which country?
Show AnswerJapanGeneral trivia quizzes
30. Bhutan is also known as what?
Show Answer“Land of Thunderbolts”31. White Elephant found in which country?
Show AnswerThailand32. The highest number of countries exist in which continent?
Show AnswerAfrica33. Suez Canal join which 2 Seas?
Show AnswerThe Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea34. “Battleground of Europe” referred to which country?
Show AnswerBelgium35. Which is the highest continental mountain range in the world?
Show AnswerAndes36. Hong Kong became the part of China on which year?
Show Answer1997![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] family trivia questions](
37. Yellow Stone national park located in which country?
Show AnswerUSA38. World tallest waterfall “Angel Falls” located in Venezuela. Is it true?
Show AnswerYes39. How many time zones are there in France?
Show Answer12 time zones (Highest of all)40. “Machu Picchu” the historic city located in which country?
Show AnswerPeru41. Which is the largest salt lake in the world?
Show AnswerSalar de Uyuni42. Ecology is the study of what?
Show AnswerStudy of Environment43. Cosmology is the study of what?
Show AnswerStudy of Universe44. The famous scientist who invent radium?
Show AnswerMarie Sklodowska- Curie45. The battery invented by whom?
Show AnswerAlessandro VoltaPub quiz questions
46. Phonograph invented by whom?
Show AnswerThomas Edison and John Kruesi47. The inventor of the bicycle was?
Show AnswerKirkpatrick Macmillan48. Locomotive invented by whom?
Show AnswerGeorge Stephenson49. Amnesty International founded in which year?
Show AnswerIn 196150. African Union founded in which year?
Show Answer200151. American Civil Liberties Union founded in which year?
Show AnswerIn 192052. The global family day date is?
Show Answer1st January53. The global data protection day celebrate on which date?
Show Answer28 January54. Ringgit is the currency name of which country?
Show AnswerMalaysia55. Damascus is the capital of which country?
Show AnswerSyria56. In which form, a data store in computer hardware?
Show AnswerBinary form57. Does Assembly language consider to be high programming language low-level programming language?
Show AnswerLow-level programming language58. Who discovered Bluetooth?
Show AnswerEricson59. The web page is based on which language?
Show AnswerHtml60. Which part of the computer considers to be the heart of the computer?
Show AnswerMicroprocessor61. What is PHP? And where it used?
Show AnswerPHP is a programming language, use to develop website or web applications.![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] quiz-quesitons](
Multiple choice trivia quiz questions
62. China’s highest ranked military award is what?
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Heroic Exemplar
63. The only Indian who got Nishan e Pakistan?
- Gandhi Ji
- Man Mohan Singh
- Morarji Desai
64. The highest ranked civilian award of Sri Lanka?
- Sri Lankabhimanya
- Deshamanya
- Deshabandu
65. Param Vir Chakkar is the highest military award of which country?
- Pakistan
- Bangladesh
- India
66. Nishan e Haider is the highest ranked military award of which country?
- Mexico
- Brazil
- Pakistan
67. The first Asian Film award got by which movie?
- Goal Mall
- War
- The Host (Goemul)
68. Who has the highest number of film fare awards?
- Gulzar
- Shabnam
69. Which country of Europe divided into cantons?
- Scotland
- Switzerland
- Ireland
70. Peseta is the currency name of which country?
- Poland
- Spain
- Italy
71. Tuscany is the name of a location. In which country it is located?
- France
- Jorden
- Italy
72. Which area of Europe mostly covered with mountains?
- Scotland
- Finland
- Switzerland
Movie trivia quizzes
73. During shooting which movie named production 9401
Show AnswerPsycho74. Which actor got an Oscar award as the best actor in the movie “The kiss of the spider women”?
Show AnswerWilliam Hunt75. The famous actor Loelia Ponsonby was born in which country?
Show AnswerChihuahua Mexico![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] trivia questions australia](
76. The last name of the Emperor’s in the movie star wars was?
Show AnswerPalpatine77. Which movie got the first title of “Blockbuster”?
Show AnswerJaws78. Which screenwriter has got the highest number of Oscar nominations?
Show AnswerWoody Allen79. Which part of the body of Charlie Chaplin was insured?
Show AnswerHis feet80. In Italian translation “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” referred to whom?
Show AnswerJames Bond81. Do you know the James Bond father name?
Show AnswerAndrew82. The first movie made in Cinemascope was?
Show AnswerThe Robe83. Which is the only silent movie that won the best picture, Oscar?
Show AnswerWingsTrivia quiz questions the UK
84. Which flower is most popular in England?
Show AnswerRose85. The Proms is the classical music event of which region?
Show AnswerUnited Kingdom![110+ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answer [Updated, 2022] Halloween trivia questions](
86. What is the task of the charity trust “The national trust”?
Show AnswerTo preserve important buildings87. Snowdonia fall in which country of the UK?
Show AnswerWales88. Queen Elizabeth II married with whom?
Show AnswerPrince Philip89. The population of the UK was only 40 million in which year?
Show AnswerIn 190190. What is the name of the system in the UK that automatically deduct Taxes?
Show AnswerPAYE91. How many years Roman stay in Britain?
Show Answer400 years92. You must know which language before applying to the UK?
Show AnswerEnglish93. The day before 40 days of Easter called what?
Show AnswerLentTrivia quiz questions about Australia
94. Do you know the smallest continent in the world?
Show AnswerAustralia95. The name of the highest point in Australia?
Show AnswerMount McClintockInterested in food? read this: 140+ top food trivia questions
96. Australia day celebrate on which date?
Show Answer26 January97. Between which years Paul Keating was Prime Minister of Australia?
Show Answer1991 – 199698. Torres Strait separates which two countries?
Show AnswerAustralia and Papua New Guinea99. In the 18th century what, was the name of Australia?
Show AnswerNew Holland100. Patrick white got the noble prize in the literature on which year?
Show Answer1973101. In 1987 who won men’s singles Wimbledon championship?
Show AnswerPatrick Cash102. Tim Flannery was the Australian of which year?
Show Answer2007103. True or false questions: Olympics 2000 was declared by Queen Elizabeth?
Show AnswerFalseTrivia quiz questions and answers 2017
- On August 18, 2017, the first ever terrorist attack reported in Finland. How many people killed and how many injured on that incidence?
Also try this: 95+ pub night trivia questions with answers
Show Answer2 kills and 8 injures- When North Korea conducts its 6th and most powerful nuclear test?
- On which date Stephen Paddock opens fire on a crowd in Las Vegas, and killed 58 people?
- On which date the US announces its decision to withdraw from UNESCO?
108. Which version of Android is given the name ‘Jelly Bean’?
Show AnswerAndroid 4.3109. The famous painter ‘Picasso’ belongs to which country?
Show AnswerSpain110. For stop sign which geometrical shape is usually used?
Show AnswerOctagon111. What part of clock was missing until 1577?
Show AnswerThe Minute Hand112. An eggplant is a fruit or vegetable?
Show AnswerFruitThat’s all for now, do you love these trivia quiz questions? Please let us know about your thoughts in the comment section. Your feedbacks are most important for us. If you want a pdf document of these trivia you can download Trivia quiz questions and answers pdf. When pdf download on your side. You can also print these trivia quiz questions.