TV & Video Magazine

11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration

Posted on the 07 June 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

What a treat from EW! Not 1 but 11 True Blood covers on their latest issue on stands Friday, June 8.

You can collect all issues at once directly from the EW website here.

11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration

In this issue Alan Ball explains were he found the inspiration for season 5.

“My first instinct about going into religion and politics was from watching Michele Bachmann, who thinks she has a direct line to God.” Ball told EW. “What would happen if she became president? A lot of right-wingers would like to see a theocracy in America. From there we thought, ‘What would a vampire theocracy be and how would you justify it? What kind of impact would it have on humans?’”

The result is a battle between the Tru Blood-sipping Authority, headed by Roman Zimojic (Christopher Meloni), and religious extremists like the Sanguinistas, who believe humans were created by God for one purpose only: to serve as a hearty meal. “Sanguine is from the Latin word for blood, and I was trying to find a name that like a real movement,” explains Ball.

11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration11 True Blood Entertainment Weekly Covers and Alan Ball’s Inspiration
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But that’s not all, take a look at these season 5 stills of things to come.




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